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"Profession with passion"

University professor in Sat.1 documentary

In the nearly 20-minute documentary "Profession out of Passion" by filmmaker Andreas Lettenmeier, both the work of a restorer and that of Dr. Karl Reiling, professor at the Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, are conveyed.

The unifying element of the two different personalities is the desire for new things and the constant urge to continue learning. The film was produced by Evangelisches Fernsehen - efs and

can be viewed in the Sat.1 media library.

In his lectures, seminars and practical courses, the university professor tries to inspire his students with a wide range of exciting topics. These include imparting his expertise on adhesive bonding technology and composite materials. Professor Reiling has been involved in technical working groups for many years and also established a certified "Adhesive Bonding Technology Training Center" with the world's largest bonding institute, IFAM, at Landshut University of Applied Sciences more than ten years ago.

Photo: Andreas Lettenmeier