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Soziale Arbeit: Diversität gestalten

Ziel des Masterstudiengangs Soziale Arbeit: Diversität gestalten ist die Vermittlung von diversitätssensiblen professionellen Handlungskompetenzen in der Sozialen Arbeit.

Dies beinhaltet diversitätssensible Fach-, Sozial-, Methoden- und Selbstkompetenzen.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaZulassungsfrei
Application period 15.04.2024 - 15.08.2024
Study format Full time
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester

    Study programme

    The action-oriented Master's degree programme offers students the opportunity to analyse the complex interplay of social differentiation (gender, ethnicity, class, body, etc.) and social inequality on the basis of the skills taught, to identify the consequences of social conflicts for the recipients of social work and to explore professional options for action for power-critical social work.
    These are concretised by developing diversity-sensitive concepts, guiding principles, processes and participatory intervention strategies in order to advance social and institutional transformation processes.

    Where possible, the courses are combined on three weekdays and block weekends, so that the realities of life for students, some of whom work, are taken into account.

    Important information: Completion of this Master's degree programme does not lead to state recognition as a social pedagogue. This can only be obtained through a corresponding Bachelor's degree programme.

    Aktueller Studien- und Prüfungsplan mit Modulhandbuch

    Modulübersicht Studiengang Soziale Arbeit: Diversität gestalten

    Prof. Dr. Mihri Oezdogan
