Course Offer
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Global Management - starts in WS 25/26

International Business Administration

Computer science

International Business Administration (with double degree options)

Simulation Based Engineering

Sustainable Industrial Operations and Business

Additive manufacturing - materials, development and lightweight construction


Artificial intelligence

Automotive and commercial vehicle technology

Automotive engineering

Automotive Engineering and Management

Automotive informatics

Biomedical technology

Business Administration

Business informatics

Business informatics

Business Psychology & Sustainability Management

Civil Engineering

Computer science

Digital administration management

Digital corporate management

Digitalisation & Founding a Company

Digitalisation, Process Optimisation & Management

Dual social work with in-depth practice

Electrical engineering and information technology

Engineering and Management

Engineering and Management
Engineering education

Engineering psychology

Intelligent systems and smart factory

International Engineering and Management

Lightweight construction and simulation

Market-oriented Corporate Management

Mechanical engineering

Media and Communication Management

Midwife further qualification
Midwife primary qualification (dual)
New media and intercultural communication

Part-time Bachelor of Industrial Engineering Energy and Logistics

Personnel Management

Physician Assistant

Process management and resource efficiency

Sign language interpreting

Social work

Social work in child and youth services

Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare Dual with in-depth practice

Social work: Clinical social work

Social work: Shaping diversity

Sustainability and Transformation
Systems and Project Management

Systems Engineering

Tax Consultacy

Wiring system development

Production and supply chain management