Student Representation (STUV)

Welcome to the website of your student representation!
The STUV is the voice of the students at our university. Our task is to represent your interests and concerns and to create a lively, supportive environment for you at the university.
The student representation is made up of committed students who are active in the student councils, the student parliament and the senate. The student councils are the contact partners at faculty level, while the student parliament represents the overall interests of the student body. The Senate ensures that the student perspective is taken into account in university policy decisions.
Together, we make Landshut University of Applied Sciences a place of well-being and cooperation, so that university life becomes a positive study experience for everyone!
STUV PageOpening hours/contact
We are always available for you by e-mail, Instagram or Whatsapp! You can find our current opening hours on our social media channels!
Here you are always informed