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Financing your studies

Students need to calculate their monthly expenses carefully. However, an additional workload to cover expenses should not be at the expense of your studies. Here are some ways to finance your studies.


Students have the opportunity to apply for funding in accordance with the Federal Training Act (BAföG).

Scholarships and university prizes

Here we present a brief overview of the 13 gifted and talented organisations, which are divided into 4 categories.

University job market

The university job exchange is the career platform especially for young academics.

Part-time job exchange

Students can find advertisements for temporary, holiday and mini-jobs in the part-time job exchange.

Jobs for starting a career, a dual study programme, a working student position or internships in Germany and abroad can be found in the university job exchange.

Social benefits

In certain situations, students are also entitled to state social benefits. Find out in which cases it is worth applying for housing benefits, for example.

Student loans

If you don't have enough money for your studies despite BAföG, working, parental support, etc., you can fall back on student loans. Unlike BAföG, student loans must be repaid in full and interest is usually charged.

Scholarships international students

Enclosed you will find the most important information on support options specifically for international students / foreign students (students who did not obtain their higher education entrance qualification in Germany).