Why study in Landshut?

City of Landshut
Landshut, the charming district capital of Lower Bavaria, located directly on the river Isar, has a lot to offer. What exactly? Let our arguments in favour of studying in Landshut convince you!
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Good housing situation for students
Landshut offers students a good selection of public and private student residences for the duration of their studies. In addition, many students also opt for shared flats. In contrast to neighbouring cities, the rents are affordable.
Photo: Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz
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Wide range of leisure activities in the city
In addition to its medieval backdrop, Landshut offers a wide range of shopping and leisure activities. From annual festivals and cultural institutions to sporting activities, almost anything is possible. The surrounding countryside is also not to be sneezed at, inviting you to enjoy and experience.
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Historic old town
The historic old town of Landshut with St Martin's Church is one of the absolute highlights! Medieval flair awaits you in the small alleyways, at the castle and especially at the Landshut Wedding. What is the Landshut Wedding and which worldwide record does our St Martin's Church hold? Why don't you find out!
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Site plan
All addresses and directions to the various locations of Landshut University of Applied Sciences.
Mediterranean lifestyle
The people of Landshut love their city. The centre blossoms with the first rays of sunshine. Strolling through the old town, shopping, sitting in the stands during the Landshut Wedding, drinking coffee, sitting by the Isar, going out to eat in the evening or warming up with a punch in the huts set up in front of the restaurants in winter. All outside, of course!
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Canteen and cafeteria
Our canteen and cafeteria are run by the Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz. Varied menus and a good selection of side dishes await you. Our canteen has been BIO-certified since 2008. The new canteen was opened in 2023 and is one of the most beautiful canteens in Bavaria.
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New language skills
In Landshut there's a lot to see, and soon you'll notice, a lot to hear! The local dialekt is called "Niederboarisch" and it's not just a language, it's a way of life. It might take a while to get used to it, but you'll see, soon you master it for sure!
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Wide range of leisure activities on campus
In addition to great parties and leisure activities, our student associations also organise professional development opportunities in various fields. Students can get politically involved in the interests of the entire student body and thus have a positive influence on the campus and student life. Join in, be part of it, make new friends!
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Numerous career opportunities
The Landshut region, i.e. the city and district, is characterised by a good labour market situation. The automotive, mechanical engineering and metal industries are of great importance in the Landshut area. There are also many companies in the food and beverage industry. This can only benefit our students looking for a job during and after their studies! The university's careers service will be happy to advise you on your options!
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