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There are numerous opportunities to spend time abroad during your degree programme. In addition to a traditional semester abroad, you can also complete short stays and internships outside of Germany. Here you will find information on planning and realising your stay abroad.

Partner worldwide

Landshut University of Applied Sciences has a large number of international partner universities where you can complete a stay abroad during the course of your studies.

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Study abroad

GO ABROAD! Take the plunge! It's worth it!

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Internship abroad

In addition to studying abroad, you also have the opportunity to complete an internship abroad. More and more students are choosing an internship abroad in order to strengthen their intercultural skills, independence and resilience and thus be fit for the labour market or to develop personally.

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Short-term stays

Fancy going abroad but only have a little time? The solution is a short-term stay!

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Man sieht eine Tastatur.


Regardless of whether you have completed a semester abroad, an internship or a short stay abroad: The recognition of the respective examination performance must be clarified BEFORE the stay abroad!

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Andrea Kilb

Koordinatorin Erasmus / Outgoing Studierende

Lea Zirngibl

Beratung und Koordination Auslandspraktika