Student Service Centre
The Student Service Centre at Landshut University of Applied Sciences takes care of the entire process from application to enrolment and all services during your studies right through to exmatriculation.
More information here
Student Advisory and Career Service
We answer all your questions about studying. From the start of your studies to starting your career, we are happy to provide you with help and advice in person, by phone, email, WhatsApp or Zoom.
More information here
International Office
The International Office advises students at Landshut University of Applied Sciences on all questions relating to stays abroad and supports international students and guest lecturers.
More information here
IT Helpdesk
The Helpdesk group is the first point of contact for all members of the university for questions relating to the IT service, focussing on the following tasks: First level support, user administration, IT workstation and CIP pool.
More information here
Start-up centre
Are you thinking about founding your own company or start-up? Would you like to deepen your knowledge of entrepreneurship and start-ups? The start-up centre at Landshut University of Applied Sciences supports your innovative ideas right through to the successful founding of your company. We provide students from all faculties, alumni, professors and employees of Landshut University of Applied Sciences with information, advice and support.
More information here
Student representation (STUV)
The student representatives, or STUV for short, is a collective term for the elected student representatives in the Senate, the student councils and the student parliament. These representatives stand up for your interests in the respective committees, play an active role in determining university policy and also organise additional events at the university, such as the summer and winter festivals, the long night of homework, courses or events.
to the STUV