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Information and Counseling

The International Office advises both students and lecturers who are planning a stay abroad or would like to spend their stay abroad in Landshut.

Mitglieder des international Office posieren vor Werbeaufstellern

International Office

The International Office supports students who are planning a stay abroad (exchange semester, internship or short-term stay abroad) and is the point of contact for international exchange students, degree seekers and programme students.

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Zwei Personen unterhalten sich

Personalised advice

The International Office provides advice on all questions relating to studying abroad.

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Studierende sitzen draußen an einem Enzo und unterhalten sich

Semester dates at Landshut University of Applied Sciences

Whether public holidays, lecture-free periods or examination periods - everything at a glance.

Studierende sitzen draußen an einem Enzo und unterhalten sich
Man sieht eine Tafel mit der Aufschrift " Hochschule Landshut".

Info Sheet Landshut University of Applied Sciences

You can find the most important contacts at Landshut University of Applied Sciences for partner universities in our HAW Information Sheet.

Info Sheet