Financing options
Scholarship for international students
International students can apply for scholarships from the Bavarian State or the DAAD (Stibet) to support the realisation of their studies. The following criteria are taken into account in the selection process:
Selection criteria:
- Social commitment
- Optional: Commitment in an international context
- Social situation
- Financial situation
Application procedure:
Applications must be submitted to the university's International Office (international_office(at) or room no. N0 01 / N0 03) using this form by 15 January for the summer semester and by 15 June for the winter semester.
What does the programme offer?
One scholarship per semester (for a maximum of 3 semesters)
The BAföG funding programme is aimed at German or international students who are fully integrated and have long-term prospects in Germany (e.g. EU citizens, students with a long-term residence visa, refugees with a residence permit).
You can find more detailed information on BAföG here.
Under the following link you will find the electronic application form:
Further scholarships can be applied for from various institutions. Information on the selection criteria, the application procedure and contact persons can be found in this list.

DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements by international students
The DAAD Prize, which is endowed with €1,000 per university and has been awarded for more than ten years, is intended to help honour the achievements of the large number of international students at German universities.
All information about the DAAD Prize