The Hochschuljobbörse is the career platform specifically for young academics.
It was created at Nuremberg Institute of Technology and has been further developed since 2003 in cooperation with the career services of 19 universities.

Information for students
In the Hochschuljobbörse you will find current adverts from attractive companies in the region in the following categories:
- Practical semester
- Bachelor's and Master's thesis
- Working student job
- Dual study programme
- Internships at home and abroad
- Jobs for graduates
- Trainee programme
- Jobs for young professionals
- Jobs for university drop-outs
Advantages for students
- Every job advertised is checked for seriousness.
- Thanks to the centralised publication, students can search for jobs regardless of their location.
- You can filter by industry, faculty, location and job type.
- Students at Landshut University of Applied Sciences can use the HOCHSCHULJOBBÖRSE free of charge!
Career fairs and recruiting events are important opportunities to build a professional network. You can find a regional overview of career fairs HERE.
Information for companies
Would you like to advertise vacancies at our university and fill your vacancies with the best possible specialists?
You can find all the important information here:
Advantages for companies
- Advertising theses and jobs for dual study programmes is free of charge.
- Compared to other job portals, there are low costs for posting internships or entry-level positions.
- Companies from Germany and abroad can, if they wish, publish their vacancies simultaneously at all 19 partner universities.