Bodies and committees
The organisation of Landshut University of Applied Sciences follows the principle of academic self-administration. The members of the university elect the committees and bodies that make the key decisions on the internal organisation of the university and on the organisation of teaching, studies and research at the university.

Authorised representative
Officers make a significant contribution to maintaining the infrastructure of a university and ensure that legal guidelines and self-determined standards are enforced and adhered to.
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Honorary senators
Landshut University of Applied Sciences honours individuals who have rendered outstanding services to the university with the title of Honorary Senator.
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Circle of friends
The Freundeskreis der Hochschule Landshut e.V. is committed to supporting Landshut University of Applied Sciences both ideally and materially. The association unites the civil society supporters of Landshut University of Applied Sciences. They are committed to the further development of the university and support practice-orientated, academic teaching as well as application-related development projects. The association also ensures the university's connection with the regional economy, culture and politics, as well as the people of Landshut and Lower Bavaria.
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University management
Landshut University of Applied Sciences is headed by a President, three Vice Presidents and the Chancellor. They manage the day-to-day business of the university. The President represents the university and implements the decisions of the university's other central bodies. The Chancellor heads the administration.
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University Council
The University Council is made up of an equal number of university members and personalities from the centre of society, which means that external expertise is included in university planning.
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Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Landshut University of Applied Sciences supports the concerns of Landshut University of Applied Sciences through the extensive experience, knowledge and contacts of its members.
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Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is responsible for all audit matters that are not expressly assigned to another audit body.
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The duties of the Senate include, among other things, enacting legislation and deciding on matters of fundamental importance for research and the promotion of young academics and artists and for the fulfilment of the gender equality mandate.
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Student Representation (STUV)
The student representatives, or STUV for short, is a collective term for the elected student representatives in the Senate, the student councils and the student convention. These representatives stand up for your interests in the respective committees, play an active role in determining university policy and also organise additional events at the university, such as the summer and winter festivals, the long night of homework, courses or events.
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