Authorised representative

Representative for the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses
The representative for the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses is appointed from among the university's full-time employees. He works to ensure that students are not disadvantaged in their studies.
The representative is not bound by instructions within the scope of his/her activities and participates in decisions of the university in accordance with the basic regulations, insofar as these concern the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. The basic regulations regulate the eligibility, election, appointment, term of office, consultation and participation rights as well as the assigned tasks of the representative.
Fire protection officer
The Fire Safety Officer (BSB) is the central point of contact for all fire safety issues at the university. He advises and supports the university and the heads of the organisational units in all matters relating to preventive and defensive fire protection and operational emergency management.
Compliance Officer
The task of Compliance is to ensure that laws, internal and external regulations and guidelines as well as self-imposed ethical standards and requirements are adhered to.
Violations of applicable law by members or affiliates of Landshut University of Applied Sciences with a direct connection to the university as an institution and its tasks should be reported to the Compliance Officer. In this respect, reference is also made to the Anti-Corruption Policy.
For legal offences in which the university only plays a role as a location, please contact the university's legal department.
An annual report on the activities of the compliance officer is submitted to the university management, which lists in particular the total number of reports, the number of accepted and completed reports and the number of cases in which the compliance officer was active without a report. It also lists how many reports were closed through measures within the university, how many of these reports were closed by the Compliance Officer and how many reports were submitted externally to law enforcement authorities or comparable public bodies for further prosecution.
Diversity Officer
The Diversity Officer is involved in the planning and organisation of teaching, study and working conditions for members and affiliates of the university, advises them and works to eliminate existing disadvantages. The aim of their work is to ensure that diversity at the university is treated with respect and without discrimination.
Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts
The task of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts (previously the University Women's Representative) is to prevent disadvantages for female academics, female teaching staff and students. She is obliged to maintain confidentiality and is not bound by instructions. Her area of responsibility includes female academic staff.
Important contact points & women's representatives of the facultiesUniversity-wide representative for protection against discrimination and (sexualised) violence
Landshut University of Applied Sciences takes active measures against discrimination and (sexualised) violence.
Advice on discrimination and (sexualised) violence: If you are affected by discrimination and/or (sexualised) violence at Landshut University of Applied Sciences, you can report the incident quickly and easily at any time using our digital form. After examining the case, you will be informed about the legal and extra-legal options for action and protection, if desired during a personal counselling appointment.
Your details will only be passed on to the university-wide representative for protection against discrimination and (sexualised) violence (Prof. Dr. Sara Siakala) and will be treated with absolute confidentiality.
Commission to investigate allegations of scientific misconduct
The Commission for the Investigation of Allegations of Academic Misconduct and the Ombudsperson for Good Academic Practice as well as their deputies prepare the decision-making process of the responsible bodies of Landshut University of Applied Sciences and advise the university management and academics of Landshut University of Applied Sciences on issues of safeguarding good academic practice. In fulfilling their tasks, the members of the commission are independent and not bound by instructions.
Radiation protection officer
In Germany, a radiation protection officer manages and supervises activities to ensure radiation protection when handling radioactive substances or ionising radiation. The radiation protection officer monitors compliance with protection regulations and advises the staff council on radiation protection matters.
Ombudsperson for good scientific practice
The ombudsperson and their deputy provide confidential advice on questions and/or conflicts regarding good scientific practice. The two ombudspersons can be informed of suspected scientific misconduct. Those suspected of misconduct can also contact the responsible ombudspersons.
The ombudsperson and their deputy are members of the Commission for the Investigation of Allegations of Scientific Misconduct in an advisory capacity. In the fulfilment of their duties, the ombudsperson and their deputy are not bound by instructions.
Representative body for severely disabled persons
The Representative Body for Severely Disabled Persons promotes the integration of severely disabled persons into the Landshut University of Applied Sciences, represents their interests and provides them with advice and support. The Representative Body for Severely Disabled Persons is also the point of contact for students and employees of the university.