Measures against discrimination and (sexualised) violence
Landshut University of Applied Sciences has developed concepts and guidelines to prevent discrimination and (sexualised) violence as far as possible and to clearly regulate the handling of violations. There are also contact points for those affected and a centralised, anonymised reporting system. We continuously improve our measures and do everything possible to ensure tolerant, non-violent and respectful interaction.

Foundation of the working group ‘Prevention and information system for discrimination and (sexualised) violence (possibly further information on the composition of the working group and its objectives)
Implementation of a reporting form
Implementation of a reporting form for reporting an incident to the university-wide representative for protection against discrimination and (sexualised) violence on the Landshut University of Applied Sciences website
Establishment of the office of university-wide anti-Semitism officer by Prof Dr Sara Siakala
Prof. Dr Sara Siakala takes over the position of university-wide representative for protection against discrimination and (sexualised) violence
Finalisation of the Gender Equality Plan
Submission of the gender equality concept Parity 2023-2027
Development of guidelines
Development of guidelines against discrimination, disadvantage, sexual harassment, sexualised violence and stalking as well as measures in the event of violations at Landshut University of Applied Sciences by the university management
Presentation of the strategic guiding principles of our university
Anti-discrimination work as an important part of everyday university life
Authorised representatives
Our representatives are confidential contact persons who are available to answer your questions or concerns. They offer support, advice and information on topics ranging from occupational safety to equal opportunities for women in science and the arts. The officers have special expertise and support the university in measures to establish, maintain and further develop safe and health-promoting working and study conditions.