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Entrepreneurship returns to the campus

After three years, the Landshut Entrepreneurs’ Night is taking place once again. Five final teams made their pitch for the start-up prize. First place was secured by the finance startup Decentralised Trade

Landshut Entrepreneurs’ Night (Landshuter Gründernacht) at Landshut University of Applied Sciences is the meeting place for the region’s entrepreneurs’ scene. The worlds of politics, business, science as well as students and new business startups come together in order to network, to get to know the young entrepreneurs of the future and to see the presentation of the Landshut Entrepreneurs’ Prize (Landshuter Gründerpreis). All in all, 150 participants were on site on 20th October, with another 50 following the live stream online. Host Marcel Meinert presented the event.

A collaboration of special importance between the university, city and district of Landshut

In his opening speech, Prof. Dr. Fritz Pörnbacher, President of the University of Applied Sciences Landshut, emphasized the excellent cooperation with the city and district of Landshut and its Centre for Entrepreneurship, LINK. This “team of three” functions as a driver for innovation in the region. He is also very proud that the topic of entrepreneurship is developing so magnificently in Landshut and the surrounding area. With “Digitalisation and Entrepreneurship”, the university even has its own course of study in this area.

The Bavarian Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, Hubert Aiwanger, expressed similar sentiments: “New business startups generally develop solutions for existing challenges in all areas of life. To help advance these teams, as the free state of Bavaria, we are providing support with both our sense of conviction and our financial resources.” Lord Mayor Alexander Putz and District Councillor Peter Dreier took up these points and also emphasized the excellent cooperation between the University, the City, the District and the Free State.

The Centre for Entrepreneurship at Landshut University of Applied Sciences under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Marcus Jautze, Vice President for Digitalisation, Entrepreneurship and Continuing Education at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Martin Prasch, Scientific Director and Chair of the jury for the Entrepreneurs’ Prize gave vivid insights into its daily work and current projects. Eva Rohrmüller, Project Manager at the Centre for Entrepreneurship, presented the new video film, with which the centre wishes to raise its profile among the general public in the future.

Software ideas in focus

The highlight of Landshut Entrepreneurs’ Night was the awarding of the three winners with the Entrepreneurs’ Prize, which is endowed with 2,000, 1,000 and 500 euros. A total of 13 business plans were submitted as part of the competition, which were assessed by a nine-strong jury made up of people from the worlds of business and science. Five final teams presented their business ideas live on stage in a five-minute pitch. Prof. Dr. Marcus Jautze, Eva Rohrmüller, Prof. Dr. Fritz Pörnbacher, Lord Mayor Alexander Putz and Deputy District Administrator Fritz Wittmann had the honour of presenting the three teams with their prize.

While the pitches of the five teams were being assessed and the final ranking was being drawn up, Christina Ramgraber described her experiences as the founder of sira childcare. The successful entrepreneur and graduate of Landshut University of Applied Sciences brought the evening to life with interesting anecdotes and valuable tips for the young entrepreneurs. Her key point: Just do it and give it a try!

The prize winners
DataBos took third place. The three young IT experts Marcel Gemmer, Simon Kobler and Gregor Ulbricht are members of the voluntary fire brigade in Ottobrunn. They have set themselves the goal of digitalising the managerial structures of aid organisations and associations with their self-developed software – and thus make paperwork a thing of the past.

Share Advisor came in at second place – an app designed to make access to the market for stocks and shares easier and more transparent. Thomas Siedenhans, Felix Pietsch and Kelvin Jörn programmed an algorithm that gives recommendations for trading strategies and stock purchases. The app is already available in the mainstream download stores.

The winners of the evening were Manuel Stoll and Andreas Hahn from Decentralised Trade. With their online trading platform Embark, they want to digitalise and therefore simplify international trade. The blockchain-based technology has the goal of making financial transactions transparent and traceable.


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