J.-E. Brune, C. Hofmann, T. Rödiger, L. Jakobs, T. Sander, Ch. Mundt: Transitional High-Enthalpy Boundary-Layer Measurements by ALTP Heat-Flux Sensors. AIAA-2025-2014, AIAA Scitech, 2025. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2025-2014
V. Athmanathan, R.B. Wang, A.M. Webb, K. Huber, T. Rödiger, J. Braun, S. Roy, C.A. Fugger, T.R. Meyer: MHz Rate In-Situ Direct Surface Heat-Flux Measurements in a Rotating-Detonation Engine. AIAA-2025-2146, AIAA Scitech, 2025. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2025-2146
C. Hofmann, T. Rödiger, S. Kaneider, R. Brederlow, J.-E. Brune, L. Jakobs, T. Sander, Ch. Mundt: Direct and Simultaneous Measurement of Wall-Heat Flux and Temperature in a Shock Tube by Atomic Layer Thermopiles, AIAA-2025-1629, AIAA Scitech, 2025. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2025-1629
L. Hake; S. aus der Wiesche; S. Kaneider; T. Rödiger: Application of atomic layer thermopile (ALTP) sensors in organic vapor flows. ETC2025-189, European Turbomachinery Conference, 2025
J. Twaddle, I. Rahbari, A. Martinez Cava, E. Valero, K. Huber, T. Rödiger, G. Paniagua: Experimental Assessment of a Trans Sonic Rossiter Cavity in the Development of Acoustic Streaming, ASME Turbo Expo, Poster GT2023-110025, 2023
C. Hofmann, K. Huber, T. Rödiger: Experimental Study of High Frequent Nusselt Number Distributions by ALTPs, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Shock Waves ISSW 34, 2023
Huber, K.; Rödiger T.: Highly Time Resolved, Combined Temperature and Heat Flux Measurement Technique Based on ALTP Sensors. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, GT2022-82873, 2022
Huber, K.; Rödiger T.: Neuer kontaktloser Temperatursensor für Energieeinsparungen in der Stahlindustrie. Poster, Forum Nachhaltigkeit Hochschule Landshut. 2022
Hofmann, C.; Rödiger T.: Hochzeitauflösende Messmethodik für Luftfahrtanwendungen. Poster, Forum Nachhaltigkeit Hochschule Landshut, 2022
Huber, K.; Rödiger T.: A transient thermal analysis of a fast-response heat flux sensor. Proceedings of the International Congresses on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) Bd. 25, 2021
Huber, K.; Rödiger T.: Comparison of radiation and convection-based calibration of fast-response heat flux sensors. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020
Huber, K.; Rödiger T.: A transient thermal analysis of a fast-response heat flux sensor. Proceedings of the International Congresses on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) Bd. 25, 2020/21
Huber, K.; Rödiger T.: Comparison of radiation and convection-based calibration of fast-response heat flux sensors. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, GT2020-14412, 2020
Gackstatter, F., Heyer, G.; T. Roediger: Experimental assessment of a novel system control logic for an MCHP system incorporating an electric energy storage, International Conference on Applied Energy, Oxford, UK, 03/2019
C. Zugschwert; G. Heyer; K.H. Pettinger; T. Roediger: Method for analysis of Vanadium-Redox-Flow Batteries for centralized storage applications in low-voltage grids, International Conference on Applied Energy, Oxford, UK, 03/2019
C.D. Ummenhofer, J. Olsen, T. Roediger: System analysis of the dynamic behavior of micro combined heat and power units combined with thermal and electric energy storage, International Conference on Applied Energy, Oxford, UK, 03/2019
G. Heyer; C. Zugschwert, S. Klintworth; K.H. Pettinger; T. Roediger: Analysis of redox flow batteries for centralized storage applications in low-voltage grids. The International Flow Battery Forum, Lausanne, Switzerland, 06/2018
T. Roediger; F. Gackstatter; G. Heyer: Projekt EKOSTORE: Systemkombination von Batteriespeicher, PV- Anlage und Mikroblockheizkraftwerk zur dezentralen Eigenenergieversorgung, Intersolar-Messe, EM-Power Forum, Munich, 06/2018
T. Roediger: Atomic Layer Thermopile (ALTP) - sensors for high-bandwidth, quantitative surface heat-flux measurements. AIAA AVIATION Forum: Invited Session on Advanced Measurement Capability Needs for Understanding Hypersonic Laminar-to-Turbulent Transition, Denver Colorado, June 5, 2017
G. Heyer; F. Gackstatter; K.H. Pettinger; T. Roediger: Speichergeführte Betriebsstrategie für die Systemkombination von Batteriespeicher, Photovoltaikanlage und Mikroblockheizkraftwerk in der zukünftigen dezentralen Energieversorgung. Tagungsunterlagen Entwicklerforum: Batterien und Ladekonzepte, Hochschule München, 2017
C.D. Ummenhofer, J. Olsen, T. Roediger: Self-sufficiency in a MCHP system based on local demand and supply analysis, ASME PowerEnergy Konferenz, ES2016-59172, Charlotte, USA, 2016
G. Heyer, T. Rödiger: Systemkombination von Batteriespeicher und Mikroblockheizkraftwerk zur dezentralen Eigenenergieversorgung, Tagungsunterlagen Entwicklerforum: Batterien & Ladekonzepte, Hochschule München, 2016. • T. Rödiger, G. Heyer: Projekt EKOSTORE: Dezentrale Energiesysteme mit hohem elektrischen Autarkiegrad durch die Systemkombination von Batteriespeichern und Mikroblockheizkraftwerk, Fachgespräche Intelligente Energienetze: Microgrids, Energiezellen, teilautonome Subsysteme, intelligente Verteilnetze - neue Schlagworte oder Problemlösungen, Universität Leipzig, 2016
C.D. Ummenhofer, J. Olsen, T. Roediger: Exergy-based analysis of a simulated MCHP-TES system: Partitioning of system run time including system transients, ASME PowerEnergy Konferenz, Paper 2015-50056, San Diego, USA, 2015
O. Lammel, T. Rödiger, M. Stöhr, H. Ax, P. Kutne, M. Severin, P. Griebel, M. Aigner: Investigation of Flame Stabilization in a High‐Pressure Multi‐Jet Combustor by Laser Measurement Techniques, GT2014-26376, ASME TurboExpo 2014
Schütz, H.; Lammel, O.; Roediger, T., Aigner, M.: EZEE®: A High Power Density Modulating FLOX® Combustor, GT2012-68997, ASME TurboExpo 2012, Kopenhagen, Denmark
Heitmann, D.; Roediger, T.; Kaehler, C.; Knauss, H.; Radespiel, R.; Kraemer, E. : Disturbance-level and roughness-induced transition measurements in a conical boundary layer at Mach 6, AIAA Paper 2008-3951, 26th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, Seattle, USA, 2008
Roediger, T. ; Knauss, H. ; Estorf, M. ; Schneider, S.P. ; Smorodsky, B.V. ; Kraemer, E. : Hypersonic instability waves measured using fast-response heat-flux gauges; AIAA Paper 2008-0638, 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, 2008
Roediger, T.; Knauss, H. ; Srulijes, J.; Seiler, F.; Kraemer, E. : A novel fast-response heat-flux sensor for measuring transition to turbulence in the boundary layer behind a moving shock wave, 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Göttingen, 2007
Roediger, T.; Kraemer, E. : A novel fast-response heat flux sensor for fundamental research in the field of future space transportation systems, IAC-07-E2.2.07, 58th International Astronautical Congress, Hyderabad, India, 2007
Roediger, T; Jenkins, S.; Knauss, H.; v. Wolfersdorf, J.; Gaisbauer, U.; Kraemer, E. : Time-resolved heat transfer measurements on the tip Wall of a ribbed channel using a novel heat flux sensor - Part I : Sensor and benchmarks. GT2006-91129, ASME Turbo Expo, Barcelona, Spain, 2006
Roediger, T.: Microfluidic technology for human space flight, Alumni Conference, International Space University, Life Science Department, Summer Session Programme 2006, Strasbourg, France