Optimal and Almost Optimal Strategies for Rational Agents in a Smart Grid
Autoren |
Alexander Wallis |
Medien | ENERGY 2021 The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies |
Veröffentlichungsjahr | 2021 |
Seiten | 58-63 |
Veröffentlichungsart | Konferenzbeitrag |
ISBN | 978-1-61208-855-6 |
Zitierung | Wallis, Alexander; Hauke, Sascha; Ziegler, Konstantin (2021): Optimal and Almost Optimal Strategies for Rational Agents in a Smart Grid. ENERGY 2021 The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, 58-63. |