The ‘activation turn’and the new horizontal division of labour at the local level: the case of social assistance services in Austria, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland
Autoren |
Prof. Dr. Bettina Leibetseder |
Medien | Social Services Disrupted: Changes, Challenges and Policy Implications for Europe in Times of Austerity, edited by Flavia Martinelli , Anneli Anttonen , and Margitta Mätzke |
Veröffentlichungsjahr | 2017 |
Seiten | 155–175 |
Veröffentlichungsart | Beiträge in Monografien, Sammelwerken und Schriftenreihen |
ISBN | 9781786432100 |
DOI | |
Zitierung | Leibetseder, Bettina; Gubrium, Erika; Raeymaeckers, Peter; Flunder, Robert; Dierckx, Danielle (2017): The ‘activation turn’and the new horizontal division of labour at the local level: the case of social assistance services in Austria, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland. Social Services Disrupted: Changes, Challenges and Policy Implications for Europe in Times of Austerity, edited by Flavia Martinelli , Anneli Anttonen , and Margitta Mätzke , 155–175 . DOI: 10.4337/9781786432117.00016 |
Peer Reviewed | Ja |