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Customised training for SMEs

The Institute for Data and Process Science (IDP) at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences is developing a new modular system for training. The aim is to get SMEs ready for digitalisation in the coronavirus crisis.

How can small and medium-sized enterprises get ready for digitalisation, automation and project or process management? Under the leadership of Prof. Holger Timinger and as part of an EU project, the Institute for Data and Process Science (IDP) at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences is to develop a modular system that will allow SME employees of every level to make use of the customised training opportunities. The project, named edu-modul, will be financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) “REACT-EU” for two years. The funding will come to more than 400,000 euros, with which two scientific members of staff could be recruited for the Institute for Data and Process Science. The aim of the REACT-EU programme is to finance projects promoting digitalisation and supporting crisis management in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Transferring knowledge from universities into companies

Many smaller companies have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to digitalisation. However, training in this area has fallen by the wayside during the pandemic. Multi-day seminars, for example, are difficult to organise as staff are heavily involved in day-to-day business. That’s where this new project comes in. Using a modular principle, individual learning units, day-long or multi-day training courses can be carried out in various forms in the future – be that digitally, in person or as a hybrid of the two. Interested parties can either take part in in-person courses at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences or offer them as in-house seminars at their own companies.

The topics on offer range from digitalisation and automation to project and process management. Many courses are available via Corporate Open Online Courses (COOC). It is an online platform that makes training freely available for SMEs – similar to the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) for students. By completing multiple learning units, employees at SMEs can even get certificates that can be credited for individual modules as part of a university degree programme.

The project from the Institute for Data and Process Science thus makes it possible to optimise internal processes at SMEs and make them more competitive. It helps them mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and press ahead with digital transformation.