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Student associations

In addition to great parties and leisure activities, our student associations also organise professional development opportunities in various fields. In the STUV, students can get politically involved in the interests of the entire student body and thus have a positive influence on the campus and student life. Join in, be part of it, make friends!

Studierende sitzen draußen auf Sitzsäcken und unterhalten sich

kLAbauter e.V.

After the first issue of kLAbauter, we received a lot of positive feedback and great, creative ideas for further articles. Many of you found our topics touching and thought-provoking. Some of you have even discussed, scrutinised and discussed further with family, friends, flatmates, etc. discussed, questioned and thought about the content. Initiating such processes and bringing people together through them is a valuable gift for us. We are all the more pleased that our editorial team has grown from five to almost 20 people with a passion for writing, layout, photography, website design and social media.

To Klabauter

LA eRacing

LA eRacing is the student electric racing team at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. As part of the international design competition "Formula Student Electric", a fully electric racing car is developed, designed and built within a year.

to la eracing

Student Career Exchange Landshut (SKB)

The Student Career Fair is the revolving door between studying and the world of work. The great response from the participating regional and national companies and social organisations, some of which have been taking part in the SKB for many years, illustrates the success and importance of the fair for the region.

To the SKB

Student Representation (STUV)

The student representatives, or STUV for short, is a collective term for the elected student representatives in the Senate, the student councils and the student parliament. These representatives stand up for your interests in the respective committees, play an active role in determining university policy and also organise additional events at the university, such as the summer and winter festivals, the long night of homework, courses or events.

to the STUV
[Translate to English:] WingLA Logo


We are WIngLA - a colourful group at Landshut University of Applied Sciences that loves to shape campus life together. As the largest association with over 250 members and nine creative minds on the board, we welcome students from all disciplines. We're all about diversity, fun and socialising with like-minded people. Thanks to our connection to the VWI, we are also networked beyond Landshut's borders. With us, you'll find friendship, support and lots of new experiences. Come along and join in!

to wingla