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Invisible Borders

Self-image of (in)visible borders:

(in)visible borders is a university group founded in 2012 that aims to supplement
student life in Landshut with socio-critical and political
content. We realise this with lectures, exhibitions,
readings and other events, also in cooperation with
other groups. We fight against
racism, sexism, anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination both inside and outside the university.
We also deal with the content of various political
theories, whereby we endeavour to take a critical approach to power and ideology.
Anyone interested is welcome to contact us or come to the Cafe ResistenzA,
, the open meeting place of the Infoladen! We are happy to welcome new members!

If you would like to find out more about our group and the lectures of the last semester
, please have a look at our social media channels or
on our homepage! There we also inform you again about current

Best regards
(in)visible borders