Young DBSH Landshut

Who are we?
The Young DBSH is the representation of young members and students within the German Professional Association for Social Work (Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V. - DBSH).
We represent the interests of students and young professionals and deal with topics relating to training, studying and starting a career. We also promote the exchange between theory and practice and organise professional policy campaigns. All of this is based on human rights and a non-discriminatory attitude that respects human rights.
What is the DBSH?
The DBSH is both a professional association and a trade union with collective bargaining powers for employees in the social work sector.
Do you also want to get politically involved and/or exchange ideas in the name of social work?
YOU want to get to know social work students/professionals from other cities and federal states and make new contacts?
Would you like to help organise specific events and discussions at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and thus be able to explore topics in greater depth?
Perhaps you would like to drop by first without any obligation?
Then get in touch via Instagram
We look forward to hearing from you!