Maternity protection
All students who are pregnant or breastfeeding are subject to the Maternity Protection Act if the university stipulates the place, time and schedule of the course or if a compulsory internship (e.g. the practical semester) is to be completed as part of the degree programme.
On the Maternity Protection Act

Maternity protection for female students
The aim of the Maternity Protection Act is to protect the health of pregnant and breastfeeding students and their child during pregnancy, after childbirth and during the breastfeeding period and to enable them to continue their studies as far as this is responsible.
In order to benefit from maternity protection, Landshut University of Applied Sciences must be informed promptly of the pregnancy/breastfeeding period.
It is also possible to waive the use of protective regulations such as the maternity protection period (6 weeks before and usually 8 weeks after childbirth) by making an explicit declaration to the university if, for example, examinations are to be taken during this period.
For maternity protection notifications, please contact the person responsible for maternity protection