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Academic Counseling

The Student Advisory Service provides support and information when planning the course of study, organising studies and answering all subject-related and content-related questions. It should be used in particular at the beginning of the degree programme, in the event of failed examinations, planned semesters abroad or when changing degree programmes.

Zwei Personen sitzen gegenüber und schauen sich gegenseitig an.

Faculty of Business Administration

Study counselling Bachelor degree programmes

Prof. Dr. Patrick Dieses

Student Counselling Bachelor of Business Administration (BW)

Prof. Dr. Robin Hau

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor of Business Psychology & Sustainability Management (WPN)

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martina Mitterhofer

Programme Director & Student Counselling Bachelor Medien- & Kommunikationsmanagement (MKM)

Prof. Dr. Maren Martens

Programme Director & Student Counselling Bachelor of Digitalisation, Process Optimisation & Management (DPM)

Eine Person steht vor einer Glaswand und lächelt.
Prof. Dr. Christiane Reif

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Internationale Betriebswirtschaft (IB)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zinser

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Tax Consultancy (SB)

Counselling for Master's degree programmes

Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Master Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung (MUF)

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Jaeger

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Master International Business (MIB)

Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering

Faculty of Social Work

Student counselling

Prof. Dr. Johannes Lohner

Student counselling for (B.A.) Social Work and (M.A.) Social Work: Clinical Social Work

Prof. Dr. Mihri Oezdogan

Student counselling for (B.A.) Social Work in Child and Youth Welfare and (M.A.) Social Work: Shaping Diversity