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Zwei Studierende nehmen ein kleines autonomes Fahrzeug auf einem Teststand in Betrieb.

Accredited degree program


Der Studiengang erweitert und vertieft das Fachwissen und die Fähigkeiten in den wesentlichen entwicklungs- und forschungsrelevanten Teilgebieten der Elektrotechnik, wie Embedded Systems, Automatisierungstechnik, Regelungstechnik und Robotik.

Start Sommer & Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.11.2024 - 28.02.2025
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester
Accredited degree program

Prospects after graduation

The Master's degree programme trains highly qualified electrical engineers with an internationally recognised qualification. This opens up a wide range of prospects on the national and international labour market. Potential employers can be found in many large and medium-sized high-tech electrical engineering companies with a growing long-term demand for skilled labour. The Master's programme significantly expands employability in electrical engineering and opens up new career opportunities, including the path to a doctorate.

Possible fields of employment include research and development, usually in international and interdisciplinary teams, technical consulting or production and sales of technical products, often with initial management tasks such as project management.

Prof. Dr. Mathias Rausch

Academic advisor