Further information

Enrolment Studium Generale summer semester 2024
06.03.2024 (22:00) - 18.03.2024 (23:59)
Enrol in the SB portal
Please note before you enrol:
- The Studium Generale courses are open to students of all faculties and can be taken during your entire period of study at Landshut University of Applied Sciences.
- Please only enrol for the courses that you will actually attend. Otherwise you will block places for other students who would like to attend the course.
- If you have registered for a course and are unable to attend for certain reasons, please cancel your registration in the self-service portal during the enrolment period so that you do not block places.
- You can enrol for a maximum of 3 Studium Generale seminars per semester. Students who enrol for more than three courses will be removed!
- First-year students from the winter semester 2013/2014 onwards must generally acquire 6 ECTS credits in the General Studies programme during the course of their studies - your faculty determines exactly how many credits you need. Please enquire in detail at your faculty!
- The General Studies programme replaces the AWP subjects / Aesthetic Practice and General Studies. If you still need a course here, choose a course from the Studium Generale.
- A time slot is reserved for the Studium Generale in the lecture timetable: Wednesday and Thursday from 17:00. Unfortunately, due to the large number of lecturers with different schedules, we cannot always consistently adhere to the time slot. You should therefore plan your Studium Generale courses in accordance with the timetable in your faculty.
- You can have the language courses recognised as a Studium Generale subject. If you are taking compulsory foreign languages in your degree programme, there may be special regulations. Please enquire about this in your faculty.
In principle, you can have external examination achievements such as achievements from a previous degree programme or VHB courses (Virtual University of Bavaria) recognised as Studium Generale.
You can have a maximum of two external courses recognised. The third course should be taken at the university.
Courses in the field of languages can also be recognised as a Studium Generale subject.
Please complete the following application form, attach all necessary documents and submit it to the Student Service Centre of your faculty.
Application for recognition of academic achievements
For digital processing, open the form in Adobe Reader!
Please note!
For VHB courses: Before you take a course, please inform yourself in good timegby e-mail(johannes.tischer@haw-landshut.de) whether your desired course can be recognised.
Select a VHB course on the application form
Note for students of the Faculty of Business Administration
The following courses from the VHB programme are offered to students of Business Administration as a substitute for "SG20 Introduction to Academic Work". These will be credited to the Studium Generale programme in any case:
- Learning and Studying 1
- Learning and Studying 2
- Scientific Writing
Programme and registration for the VHB at: www.vhb.org
Here you will find the study and examination regulations for the Studium Generale.
In the study and examination regulations you will find the most important examination-relevant regulations for the individual degree programmes. The study and examination regulations are issued by the Senate at the suggestion of the respective faculty. They regulate the course content, the modules, the duration of the courses, etc. However, they are not exhaustive. However, they are not exhaustive and are supplemented by the General Examination Regulations of the university (APO) and the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG).
No holiday courses are currently planned.
You can find information on the certificates of achievement in the Studium Generale module handbook.
Please note: You must also register for the examination in each Studium Generale module that you wish to take.
Information on examination registration deadlines can be obtained from the Student Service Centre.
If you have problems registering for examinations, please contact the Student Service Centre of your faculty.
All Bachelor's students who have started their studies at Landshut University of Applied Sciences from the winter semester 2013/14 on wards are assessed in the Studium Generale with "Mit Erfolg teilgenommen" or "Ohne Erfolg teilgenommen".
Bachelor students from the faculties of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering/Industrial Engineering, Computer Science and Business Administration who began their studies before the winter semester 2013/14 will be assessed with grades.
Students who still require a grade should contact their lecturer by the start of the course at the latest.
Please also refer to the study and examination regulations for your degree programme.
You can use our guide to writing academic papers to help you write your thesis.