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Social work: Clinical social work

The aim of the consecutive, application-oriented Master's degree programme in Social Work: Clinical Social Work is to provide students with specific qualifications for professional work in health-related social work.

Start Sommer semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.11.2024 - 28.02.2025
Study format Full time
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration3 Semester
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If you have not yet completed a Bachelor's degree:

Proof of 210 ECTS is a mandatory requirement for final admission to the degree programme.
Students can be provisionally admitted with 180 ECTS, but the missing 30 ECTS must be submitted within the first semester.
Applications are therefore possible with the grades of the first 6 semesters and at least the registration (!) of a Bachelor's thesis and the missing 30 ECTS must be submitted by the end of the first Master's semester at the latest.

Eine Person sitzt am Computer.

If you have a Bachelor's degree other than in the field of social work:

If you have any questions about prior learning and its recognition, please contact the Examination Board(
This committee decides on applications for recognition of BA programmes other than Social Work. For this purpose, an informal application must be sent, accompanied by as detailed documents as possible about the completed BA programme (module handbooks, list of individual modules with ECTS, etc.).

Zwei Personen sitzen nebeneinander und haben jeweils einen Computer vor sich.

Admission restriction:

The current average for admission is 1.8 as a final grade in the BA degree programme. This average is binding and must have been achieved. There is no possibility of improvement via waiting semesters or similar (other achievements, voluntary work, letter of motivation, applicant selection, etc.).

Prof. Dr. Ralph Viehhauser

Head of degree programme