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Expand your knowledge & improve your career opportunities with a university certificate.

The smart choice for your professional future!

  • Acquisition of specific knowledge and skills in a particular specialism
  • Recognition and validation of skills by a renowned educational institution
  • Improvement of professional qualifications and career opportunities
  • Expansion of the network through contact with other participants and lecturers
  • The university certificate consists of 2-3 further education modules and usually extends over 1-2 semesters
  • After completion:
    Receive a certificate from Landshut University of Applied Sciences and - depending on the programme - ten to fifteen ECTS
    The credits can also be recognised for future studies

We will be happy to advise you on your options!

Certificate programmes

Eine Person trägt eine Virtual Reality-Brille.

Digital expertise

Eine Person steht an einer Tafel.

Digital leadership

Eine Person steht vor einer Leinwand und schaut nach vorne.

Digital transformation and project management

Integrated experiential education

Zwei Personen unterhalten sich

Project management

Project-orientated corporate management

Zwei Personen unterhalten sich

Six Sigma & Lean Green Belt

Trauma-sensitive work