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You must follow these steps when applying for a semester abroad.

Application process

Please apply via our mobility system "Mobility Online", as only limited study places are available.

Please note that you must also apply as a so-called "free mover" via our Mobility Online system if you are going to other "non-partner universities" worldwide as part of your degree programme.

Please first create a user account via Mobility ONLINE (via the links on the right).

You will then receive a confirmation e-mail. Please confirm the link in the e-mail and submit the listed documents. Only then will your application be considered complete!

The entire application process then runs via the Mobility ONLINE system, where you can always view your application status.

Each year on December 15th, the portal is activated for the winter semester of the following year and the summer semester of the year after that.

Application link Bachelor and Master students

  • by 01.10. (start SS)
  • by 15.04. (start WS)

(University South Wales and UTEC Peru please apply by 15 March)


Free Mover application link

  • until 15.01. (Start SS)
  • until 15.06. (start WS)

Application link Bachelor International Business

  • 01.01. to 30.03. (Start WS)
  • 01.06. to 01.10. (Start SS)

(University South Wales and UTEC Peru please apply by 15 March)

Important information

The application portal is a dialogue system. The steps that have already been completed appear as green boxes, the next steps to be completed are marked with red boxes. If you are stuck in your application workflow, this means that you will have to wait for a response from the International Office. This will be sent either directly in the portal or by e-mail. As soon as the corresponding box is ticked "green", you can continue working on your workflow. Once you have entered the data, you must confirm this by clicking on the "Create new" button. Documents that you upload must be in pdf format.

Your application documents are initially the only source of information for the decision. Applicants should therefore prepare their application documents carefully in their own interest.

After the deadline, you will be allocated to the partner universities on the basis of your choice of university and the criteria listed:

  • Date of receipt of the application (timely application)
  • Language skills
  • Academic achievements
  • Completeness / quality of the application documents

If there are fewer places available at certain partner universities, we will make a decision based on fulfilment of the requirements and date of receipt of the application. You will receive written notification of the allocation of places and information on the additional documents required.

Each partner university also has its own application forms, which must be completed online or on paper (Application Form, Accommodation Form, etc.). The information sheet of the partner university will inform you about the application formalities at your chosen partner university.

As a so-called free mover, you have the opportunity to study at any university of your choice as long as the faculty and the relevant dean of studies agree to your plans and the work you do at the university abroad is recognised by Landshut University of Applied Sciences. Please note that you must also apply as a free mover via Mobility Online AND directly to the university of your choice.

After the online application and before the ERASMUS+ stay

The International Office will automatically send you the ERASMUS+ Grant Agreement, ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement and a form for confirming international health insurance and a link to the language test (OLS) AFTER your application.

Please proceed as follows:

  • Sign theERASMUS+ grant agreement and upload it to Mobility ONLINE
  • (if you are severely disabled, please enclose a copy of your disability certificate)
  • Create the ERASMUS+Learning Agreement in Mobility Online, print it out, have it signed by the faculty's international representative and upload it. We will forward it to the examination board.
  • Submit proof of insurance to the International Office

You have the option of taking out accident/liability insurance through the DAAD Group Insurance.

After the end of the ERASMUS+ programme

Please submit the following documents within 4 weeks of the end of your studies abroad:

  • Letter of confirmation of stay abroad
  • Written experience report
  • Report as a link (EU Survey)
  • You will receive the link to the final language test (OLS link) by email

You will receive the information no later than 2-4 weeks before the end of your stay abroad.

Please note that students can receive ERASMUS+ funding for a maximum of 12 months per study period (Bachelor's/Master's) for a study programme/internship.