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New AI professorship for highly automated driving

Minister of Science Bernd Sibler announced the results of the AI competition as part of Bavaria's high-tech agenda at a press conference – Landshut University of Applied Sciences is to be offered a new professorship in the field of "highly automated driving"

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role in the research areas at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. The topic has a strong presence in energy research, for example in network management and smart grids, in medical technology with AI-supported image diagnosis and sensor data fusion, in robotics, and in production, logistics and labour research. However, AI also plays an important role as a basic technology at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences, for example in control engineering, sensor data analysis, the Internet of Things and statistics in the field of business administration.

The university's pioneering work in the field of artificial intelligence has now been rewarded by the state government with the approval of the professorship for the "Diagnosis of AI methods for highly automated driving". Prof. Dr. Dieter Nazareth, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science, had submitted the application for this.

University President Prof. Dr. Fritz Pörnbacher was delighted with the positive response: "With its densely networked AI research, Bavaria is setting an example that it is able to keep up with the international scientific competition. We citizens of Landshut are proud to be able to do our bit."

Platform for AI-supported mobility

When announcing the results in a press conference broadcast online, Minister of Science Sibler emphasised that he was very pleased with the large number of applications submitted: "A great response, an exciting and broad range of topics and many network applications," the Minister concluded. According to Sibler, the networks, including "KI Campus Ostbayern" or "Bayerisches KI-Produktionsnetzwerk", will strengthen networking among the universities in the field of AI and pool the expertise.

Landshut University of Applied Sciences has also joined several networks. For example, it is a member of the "Bayerisches KI-Mobilitätsnetzwerk", which promotes intensive professional exchange and university-wide cooperation with the aim of creating a unique platform for the AI-supported mobility of tomorrow.

The development from highly automated driving to fully autonomous driving will dominate research in the automotive industry over the next ten years. This is exactly where the new professorship at Landshut University of Applied Sciences comes in. In the future, it will be concerned with identifying malfunctions and treating them during operation. The professorship is to be incorporated in the Faculty of Computer Science and strengthen the area of "Sustainable Mobility" within the Automotive research focus.

Photo: Landshut University of Applied Sciences

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