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Professors at Landshut University of Applied Sciences continue excellence in teaching

Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover and M.A. Anja Bergmann receive Hochschullehre Bayern certificates

Another milestone in teaching excellence was reached at Landshut University of Applied Sciences when Professor Dr. Sandra Gronover from the Faculty of Business Administration and Lecturer Anja Bergmann from the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies were recently awarded the University Teaching Bavaria Certificate for their commitment. Their success once again underlines the high value placed on high-quality didactics in teaching at Landshut University of Applied Sciences. This is because the continuous improvement of the didactic skills of the teaching staff is a priority.

Active learning through practice-oriented didactics

The basic idea behind the didactic training courses is that the students' activities are at the center of the learning process. Whether through observation, discussion, interaction between students and possibly also teachers, processing of tasks or texts as well as the use of technical equipment or facilities - the goal is always the targeted development, learning and understanding of content, which is promoted in each case primarily through interactivity. This practice-oriented approach is designed to provide students with an optimal learning environment in which they can actively expand their knowledge.

Dedicated teachers receive recognition for outstanding pedagogical skills

Participation in the voluntary seminars in the area of didactics is an important part of the continuing education opportunities for teachers at Landshut University. It is all the more gratifying that many professors at Landshut University attend these seminars at the Center for University Didactics (DiZ). It underlines the eagerness and determination of the teaching staff to work for their students.

Both Prof. Gronover and M.A. Bergmann have each attended a wide range of different didactics seminars to further develop their skills and improve their teaching methods. This intensive training led to the recognition of their achievements and the awarding of their certificates. The certificate "University Teaching Bavaria" testifies to the outstanding competence of the two graduates. "By working on their teaching skills, Ms. Gronover and Ms. Bergmann prove that they want to offer their students a high-quality education and impart knowledge according to the latest didactic principles," commented a visibly enthusiastic Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wunderlich on the success of his two colleagues following the awarding of the certificates.

Excellent teaching as a cornerstone of the educational philosophy

Landshut University of Applied Sciences is proud that Professor Dr. Sandra Gronover and lecturer Anja Bergmann, with their high motivation and striving for excellence in teaching, are making an important contribution to the further improvement of the teaching offered. Their commitment also demonstrates that Landshut University considers excellent teaching to be a fundamental pillar of its educational philosophy. Picture: Landshut University of Applied Sciences