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“Ready for the challenges ahead”

Definitely worth the wait - graduates of the Landshut University of Applied Sciences celebrate their graduation

Good things come to those who wait! There is probably no other event for which this proverb is more appropriate than the academic graduation ceremony of the Landshut University of Applied Sciences. Since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, many attempts have been made to provide students with the possibility to properly celebrate their graduation. But time and again, the planned dates were cancelled at the last minute. It was therefore all the more joyous for the entire university family when the two cancelled celebrations for the years 2019/20 and 2020/21 took place at the weekend. Around 1,600 guests came to the Sparkassenarena on Friday and Saturday – including more than 460 graduates who threw their caps in the air with beaming faces.

Years with a special graduation

“The past two years were truly turbulent times”, said University President Prof. Dr. Fritz Pörnbacher, summarizing the challenges since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This made it even more of a pleasure, he said, to finally come together again and give the graduates the farewell they deserved. Pörnbacher also gave the alumni an important message to take with them in their future lives and quoted Confucius, saying: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

Prof. Dr. Silvia Dollinger, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, also had an important message for those present. “Keep your courage, always stay steadfast”, said Dollinger, also in reference to the difficult current world political situation. The former students could be proud of what they had achieved in this exceptional social situation. “The university sees itself as a place for social encounters and interaction – it was precisely this that was made impossible by the pandemic in the last semesters of your studies.”

As a guest of honour and laudator, Alexander Putz, Lord Mayor of Landshut, also took the opportunity to address the graduates directly, to pay them his greatest respect. “We need bright people like you to meet our demand for excellently trained workers”, Putz emphasised. Graduation from the Landshut University of Applied Sciences met the best requirements for this, he said. “The experiences that go beyond your academic studies are especially valuable”, said the Lord Mayor. “You have learned to deal with one or two setbacks and are therefore also well prepared for future challenges.” This greeting from Alexander Putz was also the starting signal for the honours and awards ceremonies.

Recognition of the best and brightest

On Friday, Monika Königbauer (Landshut) was handed the Prize of the Town of Landshut by the Lord Mayor for her outstanding performance in finishing her bachelor's degree. On Saturday, Marcel Kokorsch (Landshut) received the same honour. The district of Landshut has donated the award for the best final project or dissertation for a master's degree for many years. On Friday, District Councillor Rosa-Maria Maurer, representing District Administrator Peter Dreier, handed over the award to Simon Hartel (Neumarkt-Sankt-Veit). On Saturday Johannes Kargl (Landshut) received the award from District Councillor Alfred Holzner.

Both days also saw Jeannette Lakèl, the Regional President of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators, take the stage following the representatives of the town and district. She presented the Federal Association’s award for the best performance in finishing a degree in the study programme "Sign Language Interpreting". Alina Reidelstürz (Landshut) accepted the honour on Friday, Pia Koch (Landshut) on Saturday.

A further award, which already has a long tradition at the university, is the TÜV SÜD Stifterpreis. This award honours students for outstanding academic achievements in the field of “engineering education” as well as social and academic commitment. It is endowed with 1,000 euros. The winners were Katharina Wagner, Michael Veitweber (Aidenbach), Anton Kirmeier, Marco Kinseher (Munich), Maximilian Gröppmair (Oberding) and Susanne Ammer.

Prof. Dr. Holger Timinger, Vice President for Research and Transfer, gave special, important honours, mostly concerning the research area of Landshut University of Applied Sciences. He congratulated the seven doctoral candidates Christina Toigo, Hanning Liang, Michael Strohmeier, Martin Frankenberger, Christina Zugschwert, Lisa Küber and Martina Königbauer on their outstanding scientific achievements and successful doctorates.

Celebrating together with fellow students

After the greetings and honours, the graduates of the individual faculties and the continuing education academy finally gradually came on stage to receive their official farewells from their faculty directors and from the Vice President for Digitalisation, Start-ups and Further Training, Prof. Dr. Marcus Jautze. The best from each course of studies received a glass carafe engraved with their own name.
At the end, there came the eagerly awaited speeches of graduates looking back on their studies at the Landshut University of Applied Sciences. On Friday, Simon Hartel recalled starting his studies: “We didn't know words like lockdown and coronavirus back then.” At the start of the course, he said, he also didn't know how much fun and joy his studies would ultimately give him. He expressed his gratitude above all to all those who had made studying possible and helped to shape his academic career – from his parents and friends to lecturers and the university administration. Veronika Bichlmeier also took up this point on Saturday. She associates many beautiful memories with her time at university, for example celebrating together with fellow students. She said that one in thing in particular had been a feature of the course: “It was not just a matter of acquiring specialist knowledge, but of developing yourself and your personality and growing to become ready for the challenges ahead.”

Photos: Julian Klemm/skyphoto

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