Family at the university

The CampusNest at Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Our new CampusNest childcare centre (crèche and kindergarten) in Bürgermeister-Zeiler-Straße, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the university, has been open since 2015.
The official opening ceremony of CampusNest took place on Monday, 04 April 2016!
Our facility consists of two crèche and two kindergarten groups, a total of 28 crèche and 48 kindergarten children can attend CampusNest, which is subsidised in accordance with the Bavarian Child Education and Care Act(BayKiBiG). We look after your children from the age of approx. 10 months until they start school.
You can find additional information on the homepage of the sponsoring organisation
We are a nest where you can feel at home, develop freely according to your abilities and learn to fly!
Our educational work is orientated towards the Bavarian education and upbringing plan.
The level of development and the physical and emotional well-being of each individual child are our priority. Children with special needs are also accepted via individual integration places.
While you are studying or working at the university, your child has time
- to play
- to discover
- to experiment
- to socialise
- to sing
- to do handicrafts
- to move
- to discover nature
- and much more...
Our beautiful, bright and child-friendly premises offer the children a wide range of opportunities to develop and create new learning stimuli. Our educational staff are your child's companions, supporting the children on their developmental journey and encouraging their interests through themed educational and learning programmes.
Your child's good development is based on good, trusting and open co-operation with you as parents. You have the opportunity to take part in the day-to-day running of the daycare centre through daily door-to-door talks, regular development discussions and cooperation or shadowing.
Opening hours
We offer flexible booking times within our opening hours of 7.30 am - 4.30 pm (can be extended as required).
Closing days
Summer holidays: three weeks in August
Christmas holidays: approx. 23 December - Epiphany
Rose Monday, Shrove Tuesday closed
Bridging day in the Whitsun holidays after Corpus Christi
approx. 4 further closing days for concept days, company outing, cleaning days
(approx. 28-30 closing days in total)
Interested parents can register on a waiting list from the birth of their child. Enrolments are possible all year round. The centre can be visited by prior appointment by telephone.
Allocation of places
When allocating places, priority is given to children of university members. If their needs are met, free places will be allocated to residents of the city of Landshut. Places are allocated according to the waiting list.
Ms Kristina Wimmer from CampusNest and Ms Maria Müller from the university will be happy to assist you with any enquiries or visits!
Jessica Rammelsberger
Head of Education
Bürgermeister-Zeiler-Straße 6
TEL: 0871/506 820
EMAIL: campusnest(at)
Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Yvonne Knecht
Office of the Women's Representative
Family Service
ROOM: N0 27
TEL: 0871/506 140
The CampusNest is located in Landshut-Schönbrunn, in the direction of Auloh, in the immediate vicinity of Landshut University of Applied Sciences.
Directions by car: Coming from Munich or Deggendorf on the A92 motorway - exit Landshut Nord - B 299 towards the city centre.
Turn left at the 3rd set of traffic lights in the direction of the Auloh district - Hochschule. After approx. 2 km straight ahead you will find the central campus (red building) on the left-hand side at Lurzenhof 1, 84036 Landshut.
Turn right into Bürgermeister-Zeiler-Straße. The CampusNest day care centre is located here.
By bus:
From the main railway station, take bus number 3 in the direction of Auloh. The buses run every 30 minutes from the main station, journey time via Landshut old town approx. 24 minutes.
The bus stops directly opposite the red campus building near Bürgermeister-Zeiler-Straße.

Care and nursing of relatives
Family at the university is not only dedicated to the concerns of those who look after children, but also supports those who take on the responsibility of caring for their own parents or other relatives. The need for care often occurs unplanned and presents relatives with major challenges. Landshut University of Applied Sciences would like to support you as much as possible in coping with this challenge.
Every summer semester, the Faculty of Social Work opens elective courses for guest students that deal with the topic of caring for a relative (at home) and the care/support of people with dementia. If you are interested, please contact Kathrin Lübke

Studying and working with a child
The university supports parents in caring for their children. If you have any questions about compatibility, please contact the university's family service and you will receive information about support during the semester or for school-age children during the holidays.
You can also find information on the website of the Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz.
With children on campus
Since the end of 2015, the university has had the new CampusNest childcare centre at Bürgermeister Zeiler-Straße 6, directly opposite the university.
Our modern childcare centre offers 48 nursery places and 28 crèche places. Here we offer professional childcare for the children of students and staff. Free places are also available for children from Landshut.
To make it easier to combine family life with studies/work, all students and employees can bring their children aged 0-12 to the university on an hourly basis when regular childcare is cancelled and supervise them (independently) in the parent-child room.
The parent-child room is equipped with a computer workstation for parents as well as a variety of play options, books and creative materials as well as a sleeping area and a high chair for the little ones.
To use the room, please register at familienservice(at)
After presenting your child's birth certificate and accepting the terms of use , you will receive the room's door pin code.
Please book the room via the calendar function of our Moodle course "Parents helping parents".
Diagonally opposite the parent-child room you will find a breastfeeding corner and nappy-changing facilities for your child.
In rooms G0 16 and D0 35A you will find nappy-changing facilities for your children on the Landshut University of Applied Sciences campus.
In the N-building opposite the parent-child room N0 26, we have set up a breastfeeding corner for you, where you can also change your children's nappies.
Further information for (expectant) parents
In the "Parents help parents" moodle course, you have the opportunity to network with other parents at the university and support each other.
You will find current announcements, newsletters and event information or you can initiate and participate in discussions on the topic of "Studying with children".
You can also create a networking opportunity with other parents under "Contacts/Network", such as mutual childcare during lectures and seminars or for joint leisure activities or...
The university has a cosy surprise for our new parents!
Student parents can pick it up after the birth by presenting their birth certificate at the Family Service. Employees and professors can obtain them directly from the HR department.
Children of student parents receive a free children's plate up to the age of 6. The so-called Kinderteller-Mensacard can be obtained from the Mensacard office on presentation of the child's birth certificate and your certificate of enrolment.
On the Landshut city bus you can take up to three of your own children under the age of 6 free of charge.
Literature list - you will find a wide range of literature on the following family-related topics in our university library:
Compatibility and family and career
Compatibility of employment and care
Miscarriage/death of the child
Parenting guide
Single parents/divorce/separation
Children of sick parents
Foster children
If you need emergency childcare, you can contact Menschenskinder e.V. in Ergolding. They will provide you with trained carers who will also come to your home. You can find more information and contact details on the Menschenskinder e.V. website or on this flyer.
Studying, pregnancy and childcare
Pregnancy and the utilisation of periods of protection/parental leave must not lead to unequal treatment compared to other students in terms of examination law. This means that pregnant women and parents may not reschedule examination dates, offer alternative examinations or be permitted to take examinations at other locations.
The deadlines for taking examinations stipulated by the Framework Examination Regulations and the Study and Examination Regulations are extended ex officio in the event of maternity leave and parental leave.
The deadlines for retaking failed examinations specified in the Framework Examination Regulations do not continue to run during a leave of absence due to maternity or parental leave.
Services offered by the Studierendenwerk Ndb./Opf. at Landshut University of Applied Sciences
Even if the mother/father is not entitled to Hartz IV, the child can receive social benefit, child supplement, etc. Find out more at the social counselling service of the Studierendenwerk Ndb./Opf. on the campus of Landshut University of Applied Sciences.
Dipl. Päd.
Birgit Schnellinger
Social Counselling
ROOM: E0 10
TEL: +49 (0)871 - 506 133
Further information is also available on the homepage of the Studierendenwerk Ndb./Opf.
During a leave of absence, you retain your student status. You must therefore continue to pay the student union fee.
In principle, you are only entitled to benefits in accordance with the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) as long as the training programme takes up your full working hours. There is no entitlement to BAföG during a leave of absence.
If a period of training is postponed due to caring for a child, eligibility for BAföG funding is generally maintained. BAföG takes into account the time burden caused by pregnancy and childcare. Funding can be granted for a "reasonable period" beyond the maximum funding period. However, maternity protection and/or parental leave/child rearing must be the reason for the extension of the study period.
Students with children also receive a BAföG child supplement.
If you have any questions about BAföG funding, you can obtain further information from the BAföG advice centre. At Landshut University of Applied Sciences you can reach them on +49 (0)871 - 506 123 (Room E0 08). The Studierendenwerk Regensburg is also available to provide you with information on +49 (0)941 - 943-2204, further information can be found on our homepage.