
University members can also use the electronic services while travelling or at home. Authentication takes place via EZProxy.
How does this work?
You log in using your university account details (s-...), not your library number. After successfully logging in, you will be forwarded to the desired database and have (full text) access.
The use of EZProxy is usually also necessary if you are using your own laptop or mobile device via the eduroam WLAN network on campus.
Non-university members can only use the electronic services in the library.
An attempt has been made to categorise the various faculties. Depending on the subject, you may also have to search in "non-faculty" databases. For information: many databases are in English
- Beck-Online database: Access is only possible within the university network.
- Nautos database: printing or saving is not permitted for non-university members for licence reasons.
Contact persons for questions about databases: Angela Zeiler (Technology), Nadine Füller (Use)
TOP databases
SpringerLink is a multidisciplinary database containing around 3,500 electronic journals and over 275,000 e-books from Springer Verlag. Full-text access is possible for the media licensed by us.
At Statista you will find statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,000 different sources. Statista aggregates statistics and studies from market researchers, associations, specialised publications and government sources with important metadata such as source, publication date, number of respondents, etc.
wiso offers a comprehensive range of German-language literature for economics, social sciences and psychology. Here you will find, for example, 6,800 eBooks from the fields of economics and management as well as around 17 million articles from specialist journals.
Databases from A-Z (IDS, SA, BW) is the central reference portal for media, communication and film studies. Search around 3 million data records for books, journal articles, AV media and online resources from over 35 data sources specially tailored to the subjects. Free registration with a personal account is required for full use of all services.
Video about
Construction tables for engineers (ET-WI, MB)
Bautabellen-digital (also known as Schneider Bautabellen) is a handbook and table book for civil engineering
Beck-online (all study programmes)
Beck-Online offers documents from all areas of law. In addition to legal texts, Beck-Online contains a wide range of other basic legal standard works from the publisher Beck. Note: Access only possible within the campus network.
Via DATEV Students online, DATEV programmes from the fields of accounting, auditing and taxes, among others, can be used. The platform also includes e-learning and reference works on these topics.
Please note: Personal registration with your university account is required. To do this, search for Landshut University of Applied Sciences in the pull-down list at the top right and click on "Login"
DEPATISnet is the database of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for online searches on patent publications from all over the world.
DWA regulations (ET-WI, BW)
The DWA regulations of the Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) with all ATV guidelines and DWA codes of practice in full text. The DWA topics are not included. The documents are integrated into the Nautos database.
Ebsco host (BW)
Ebsco host contains full-text versions of around 1,000 English-language management and economics journals in the Business Source Elite database. The eBook Business Collection includes around 21,000 books on a wide range of business topics. In addition, over 10,000 comprehensive company profiles are available.
EconBiz (BW)
EconBiz is a research portal for economics. The portal offers a central entry point for a parallel search in important German and international economic databases with access to freely available full texts and tips on researching and writing papers.
ECB (all study programmes)
The Electronic Journals Library provides access to scientific full-text journals from all subject areas
Pedagogy subject portal (SA, IDS)
The pedagogy portal bundles specialised academic information for pedagogical practice. The FIS Bildung - the largest database for education in the German-speaking world - and various other databases can be searched simultaneously via a meta search.
IDW Online (BW)
On IDW Online you will find the WP Handbook online and the IDW pronouncements. The WP Handbook is the standard work for auditors, the IDW pronouncements contain, among other things, the IDW auditing standards and the ISA (International Standards on Auditing).
Important: Every user must register personally using the university's e-mail address.
Then access is also possible outside the campus network.
IEEE Xplore (ET-WI, MB, BW)
IEEE Xplore offers full-text access to approx. 5 million publications of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers): over 190 IEEE journals, over 1,200 IEEE congress reports and more than 4,600 valid IEEE standards.
Medline complete (IDS)
Medline Complete is the largest supplement to the MEDLINE index (see also PubMed) and offers access to the full texts of approx. 1,100 predominantly English-language renowned journals from the fields of biomedicine, health sciences, public health and preclinical sciences.
Digital waste manual (ET-WI)
The MÜ website contains all the expertise on waste management: collection, transport, treatment, disposal, prevention and recycling of waste.
Nautos (ET-WI, MB)
Nautos is the database for searching standards and technical rules and replaces Perinorm.
Click on the sheet symbol to open full texts.
Please note: We recommend that you do not use Firefox as your browser for this database.
NWB database (BW)
The journal"Steuer und Studium" and the e-book"Bilanzierung nach Handels- und Steuerrecht" are available via the NWB database. Please note: to access the e-book, you must search for the book in the database.
OECD iLibrary (BW)
The OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It offers access to all OECD studies and statistics with data and analyses on the economy, society and the environment. Read-only access to all content, PDF download partly subject to a charge.
PsyJournals (SA)
The PsyJOURNALS collection of the Hogrefe publishing group offers over 30 renowned and peer-reviewed journals in German and English in full text. (IDS)
The English-language portal PubMed covers the fields of medicine, dentistry, preclinical subjects, healthcare, nursing and others, as well as peripheral areas such as biology, biochemistry and psychology. One component of PubMed is the MEDLINE index. 5,200 journals are analysed, some with links to the full text.
Sage journals (all study programmes)
The interdisciplinary package Sage Journals Online contains over 1,000 international, peer-reviewed full-text journals.
Science direct (all study programmes)
The Science Direct database contains references from over 3,500 English-language journals published by Elsevier, some with full-text access. The specialist focus is on technology and the natural sciences.
VDE standards (ET-WI, MB)
The VDE Standards Library provides access to all valid VDE regulations (German Electrical Engineering Association), including drafts in full text - approx. 3,500 in total.
Note: The campus licence only allows reading on screen and copy & paste. Printing or saving is not possible.
Wiley Online Library (all study programmes)
The Wiley Online Library is Wiley's interdisciplinary literature platform focussing on the natural sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities. It offers access to over 1,500 e-journals. Landshut University of Applied Sciences has full-text access to all journals from 1997 onwards, including older volumes of around 250 titles. In addition, over 100 e-books are available via the platform.