Interlibrary loan

Media that are not available in the Landshut University Library can be ordered via interlibrary loan from another library.
Searching and ordering is possible
- in the catalogue of Landshut University Library (Interlibrary Loan (Bavarian Union Catalogue) tab, "Availability" button)
- directly in the Bavarian Union Catalogue (
Registration for ordering
If necessary, HSB Landshut should be selected as the home library. To register, enter your library number and password (date of birth, DDMMYY).
The interlibrary loan of books is free of charge.
For copies of articles, a lump sum of 1.50 euros per article will be charged.
Please note: If the red interlibrary loan slip is lost, the library must charge a processing fee of 5 euros.
Delivery time
Approximately six to ten working days.
You will be notified by e-mail as soon as the ordered media are ready for collection at the service desk.
Loan period
Usually four weeks. An extension could be possible. Please write us an email for asking.
Collection and return
The ordered media can be collected from the circulation desk until the end of the loan period. Media not collected will be returned.
The return of borrowed interlibrary loan media is also only possible at the circulation desk. A return box is available in the foyer of the library for returning items outside opening hours.