Usage instructions for business mobile devices and data carriers at Landshut University of Applied Sciences

The instructions for use deal with business mobile devices in the categories tablets, mobile phones/smartphones, notebooks, data carriers and devices that support the Bluetooth and wireless LAN radio transmission technologies.
The following must be observed when handling business mobile devices and data carriers:
- Unused notebooks must be secured against unauthorised use and theft by locking them in a cabinet. The same applies to tablets/smartphones and data carriers
- When stored in a parked vehicle, the device must not be visible
- The loss/theft of a device must be reported immediately to the Service IT Helpdesk
- The loss of a device must be reported immediately to the Service IT Helpdesk. The discovery of a device must be reported immediately
- Access by unauthorised persons must be prevented
- Please note that business data may only be stored on the network drive
- Devices that are no longer used must be returned to Service IT immediately