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In order to finance a short-term stay abroad, there are various funding options that can be applied for individually at the International Office. The applications can be found in the accordions attached.

Application and deadlines

Theannual application deadlines are 15 June and15 December.

In addition, the DAAD supports so-called Blended Intensive Programmes, for which funding can be applied for by the programme coordinator.

Please note the framework in the accordion below for the application.

Financial support - applying to the International Office

With this programme, study and practical stays as well as short stays such as language courses and summer schools can be funded by students worldwide through partial scholarships, travel allowances and course fee lump sums.

Please submit applications to the International Office.

You can obtain the form for a short-term stay here: PROMOS application .

To promote the internationalisation of Bavarian universities and student mobility, the State Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and the Arts (StMBKWK) has made funding available: in addition to scholarships for studying abroad and internships, this also includes scholarships for short-term stays.

The respective funding depends on the total amount of funding made available to Landshut University of Applied Sciences each year and can therefore vary considerably.

Please submit applications to the International Office. Here you will find the form for funding your short-term mobility.

Funding for group mobilities, organised by the faculties of Landshut University of Applied Sciences


  • Short joint physical group mobility (5-30 days)
  • combined with a virtual phase of undefined duration before, during or after the mobility, joint online learning, exchange / teamwork;
  • Minimum: 15 - maximum 20 participants
  • Minimum: 3 ECTS for students
  • Minimum: 3 ECHE universities from 3 different programme countries, further universities or organisations from programme or partner countries optional. The universities in partner countries (outside the Erasmus area) must have concluded an Inter-Institutional Agreement with Landshut University of Applied Sciences as the coordinating university

If you have any further questions, please contact the International Office of Landshut University of Applied Sciences.