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Change of university and/or degree programme

The first step for a change of university and/or degree programme is a timely application!

Click here for the online application

There are two options for transferring from another degree programme to Landshut University of Applied Sciences:

  1. Transfer to a higher semester: Students who have already started a similar or the same degree programme at another university can apply for a higher semester. When applying online for a higher semester, in addition to the general documents, a completed and signed application for recognition, a confirmation of achievements and the relevant pages of the previous module handbook must be uploaded. The assessment of the achievements applied for is only possible on the basis of the relevant module handbook pages. Admission depends on the creditable examination achievements and the open capacities (study places) and is the responsibility of the responsible examination board. Following their decision, a letter of admission or rejection will be issued.

  2. New start in the first semester: If you want to start a new degree programme, you start in the first semester. In this case, the usual application procedures for first-semester students apply. A new start on the same degree programme is not possible!

For a change of degree programme, a new application via the applicant portal must be submitted by the deadline.

New start in the first semester:

If you want to start a new degree programme, you start in the first semester. In this case, the usual application procedures for first-semester students apply. After enrolment, previously completed examinations can be recognised upon application. Placement in a higher semester depends on the number of ECTS credits recognised.

Transfer to a higher semester:

Students who are already enrolled at Landshut University of Applied Sciences can apply for a higher semester in a similar or related degree programme. When applying online for a higher semester, in addition to the general documents, a completed and signed application for recognition and a confirmation of previous achievements must also be uploaded. The responsible examination board decides on the recognition of the achievements applied for and admission. Admission depends, among other things, on the creditable examination achievements and the open capacities (study places). Following their decision, a letter of admission or rejection will be issued.

Only students at Landshut University of Applied Sciences have the option of a "security application" if they are threatened with de-registration due to examination results.

For this, it is necessary to re-register and apply via the online application portal!

Application period for winter semester
open-admission degree programmes: 15.04. - 15.07.
restricted-admission degree programmes: 02.05. - 15.07.

Application period for summer semester
all degree programmes: 15.11. - 15.01.

After registering and submitting the online application, an email must be sent to with the following content: Applicant number xy is a security application

Please upload the application for recognition of examination results and the other required documents to the applicant portal when you are notified of the examination module grade "definitively failed". Your application will not be processed until the application for recognition of examination results and the other documents have been received. The responsible examination board will decide on admission.

If you wish to change your degree programme in any case (e.g. due to a change in interests, different focus/profile, etc.), the procedure for "security applications" does not apply. You must follow the regular application procedures for a higher semester as indicated on the homepage.