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Psychological counselling

The psychological counselling service is open to concerns big and small. It provides expert and confidential support in difficult life situations.
The starting point is your personal life situation in order to work out possible solutions and (re)discover your own strengths in a counselling session. Counselling is subject to therapeutic confidentiality and is free of charge. Your concerns will be treated confidentially and anonymously.

Zwei Personen stehen nebeneinander und schauen zusammen in ein Dokument.

Contact us

Erich Schweiger (Dipl. Psych.)
Room: E0 01
Tel: +49 871 506 412

Psychological counselling at Landshut University of Applied Sciences

Students receive concrete, free and discreet support for a wide range of problems, e.g. personal crises, exam anxiety, self-esteem and self-acceptance problems, contact difficulties, feelings of isolation, separation from the parental home, relationship problems and much more.

In the case of study-related issues, tension can increase in exam and performance situations, in meeting deadlines and in difficulties with orientation and decision-making. You can also discuss psychological and psychosomatic complaints such as depressive moods, anxiety and suicidal thoughts with the counselling centre.

Please make an appointment by e-mail.
There is an open consultation hour: Wednesdays from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm in room E0 01 (during the lecture period). No appointment is necessary for the open consultation hours, Mr Erich Schweiger is also available by telephone during this time.

Psychological counselling Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz

The psychological counselling team at the Studierendenwerk has an open ear for your small and large concerns and will support you professionally and confidentially.

What we offer

  • Free short and medium-term individual psychological counselling
  • by telephone or via video
  • For all types of crises and stress - at university or privately
  • For all types of psychological symptoms such as (exam) anxiety, depression, addiction, loneliness or disorientation
  • Networking with other contact points and help with finding a place in therapy
  • Learning counselling
  • In German and English
  • Counselling is subject to medical confidentiality
Learn more

Contact us

Martina Nigl (Psychologist, M.Sc.)
Tel: +49 941 943 3140

Annika Dehmel (Psychologist, M.Sc.)
Tel: +49 941 943 3270