Disadvantage compensation
The university offers students with disabilities or health impairments counselling by the person responsible for disability and chronic illness.
Disability representative

An application for compensation for disadvantages (e.g. in the form of examination time extensions or alternative forms of examination) can be submitted if necessary. The form of compensation for disadvantages should correspond to the individual requirements of the student. You will be invited to a personal interview. Here you will also receive the application for compensation for disadvantages.
The university's examination board will then decide on the application, taking into account the recommendation of the person responsible for disability and chronic illness.
Compensation for disadvantages must be applied for during the examination registration period at the latest.
Students with a disability or chronic illness are often not recognised as students with special needs. This is especially true if the impairment is not visible. Confidential counselling in all student matters is therefore important. Special care is taken to ensure that a disability or chronic illness does not result in stigmatisation or other disadvantages.
In this context, it is also possible to obtain an English translation of examination questions. However, this must be requested using the linked form by the end of the examination registration period.
Barrier-free studying