Barrier-free studying
The tasks of a representative for the interests of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses include advising and informing students who experience impairments in their studies for health reasons.

An application for compensation for disadvantages (e.g. in the form of examination time extensions or alternative forms of examination) can be made if necessary. The form of compensation for disadvantages should correspond to the individual requirements of the applicant. The university's examination board will then decide on the application. Compensation for disadvantages must be applied for during the examination registration period at the latest.
Students with a disability or chronic illness are often not recognised as students with special needs. This is especially true if the impairment is not visible. Confidential counselling in all student matters is therefore important. Special care is taken to ensure that no stigmatisation or other disadvantages arise from a disability or chronic illness.
You are welcome to use my regular weekly semester consultation hours (see notice board) or make an appointment by e-mail to discuss your concerns.
E-mail Prof Dr Clemens Dannenbeck
18:35 Min
Studieren mit Handicap.
Simon hat Maschinenbau in Landshut studiert und arbeitet mittlerweile als Referent an der Hochschule. Er erzählt uns wie er trotz Handicap sein Studium gemeistert hat und gibt wertvolle Tipps wie auch Andere es schaffen können.
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