The topic of "barrier-free studying" is dealt with at the university in particular through a close exchange between the representative for the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses and the university management, as well as through an institutionalised, cross-faculty discussion context within the framework of a diversity working group. This resulted in the establishment of a university diversity officer and a university-wide representative survey of students on experiences of discrimination and barriers to participation. In addition, specific measures to improve the study situation of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses are always discussed in regular university-wide meetings of the examination board chairs and members of the examination committee with the participation of the representative for the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
The university has a counselling network consisting of three elements: Psychological Counselling, Student Life Counselling and Disability and Chronic Illness Counselling. The representatives of the three counselling units work closely together. A joint information flyer has been produced (currently also a comprehensive information and orientation brochure), and the university's website is also being optimised in terms of accessibility.