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Accredited degree program

International Business Administration (with double degree options)

Due to its international composition of students, the internationally oriented degree programme focuses on intercultural communication and understanding in combination with a sound business education. From the third semester onwards, lectures and examinations are held in English and a second foreign language is compulsory. The programme aims to provide a Bachelor's degree in Landshut, but also offers the opportunity to obtain a double degree by spending three semesters abroad.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.04.2025 - 15.07.2025
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience
Study cost fees of foreign partner universities, if applicable
Normal duration7 Semester
LanguageGerman & English
Accredited degree program
Logo AQAS zur Akkreditierung

    The study programme / profile

    An extensive range of courses with international content and in foreign languages, as well as cooperation with foreign universities, characterise the application-oriented range of courses. You have the opportunity to obtain a double degree. Intercultural communication and understanding is a core element of the programme due to the stay abroad and the international composition of the students during their time in Landshut. The internationally oriented degree programme offers a sound education in business administration. From the third semester onwards, lectures and examinations are held in English and a second foreign language is compulsory in the timetable.

    Bacheolr's degree programme's leaflet

    Specialisation options

    The Bachelor's degree programme in International Business Administration is more than just Business Administration in English. In addition to English as the lecture and examination language from the third semester onwards, a second foreign language is compulsory. International students also take part in the courses from the third semester onwards. This enables students to familiarise themselves with other cultures in addition to the subject content, gives them the opportunity to network internationally and prepares them for international cooperation in their professional lives.
    Students spend the last two theoretical semesters at a foreign partner university and can specialise individually by selecting the partner university and courses. These can be modules on financial management, strategic management, international management or other courses that teach skills in international management, corporate management and cross-functional, social and personal skills abroad.

    Contents and course of study

    Students spend the first four semesters of the Bachelor's degree course in International Business Administration at Landshut University of Applied Sciences and the remaining three semesters abroad. The first two semesters comprise method and basic modules, business English and another foreign language. In the third and fourth semesters, lectures and examinations are held in English, in which international students also take part. In addition to the subject content, students learn about other cultures, have the opportunity to network internationally and are prepared for international cooperation in professional life. International students also take part in the courses from the third semester onwards. Students spend the practical semester and the last two theoretical semesters at a foreign partner university and can specialize individually by selecting the partner university and courses.

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    Experience abroad can be customised in many ways

    The degree programme aims to provide a Bachelor's degree in Landshut, but also offers the option of obtaining a double degree with two semesters abroad and an internship abroad. Students are free to decide at which partner university they would like to spend the semesters abroad - depending on the desired country and/or specialisation options on site. If the internship semester is also spent abroad and a partner university with a double degree option is chosen, students have the opportunity to obtain a double degree from the partner university via the German Bachelor's degree.

    more about partner universities

    Dual study programme

    The dual study programme is a practice-oriented form of study that combines theoretical course content at universities with professional practice in a company. During their dual study programme, students complete both lectures at the university and practical assignments at the company, allowing them to acquire both academic knowledge and practical experience at the same time.

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    Prospects after graduation

    Due to its international composition of students, the internationally oriented degree programme focuses on intercultural communication and understanding in combination with a sound business education. An extensive range of courses with international content and in foreign languages as well as cooperation with foreign universities offer international perspectives and opportunities for specialisation. This opens up many career opportunities in an international environment, such as management consultancy, controlling, human resources, finance and accounting, tax consultancy, auditing, marketing and sales, purchasing and logistics. In addition, the degree programme provides students with the knowledge and skills to pursue an in-depth Master's degree - regardless of existing admission requirements.

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    Requirement profile

    Applicants for the International Business Administration degree programme should have an interest in economic, social, ecological and political contexts and should also have

    • good basic knowledge of maths and English
    • Knowledge of another foreign language (e.g. French, Spanish or Turkish) is desirable, but not required
    • Initial experience with presentations
    • Personal maturity for a degree programme (ability to work independently, determination, good self-management and time management)
    • High level of interest in the degree programme (career instead of job)

    Admission to the degree programme is restricted; places are allocated in the supplementary university selection procedure. In addition to the average grade of the university entrance qualification, the grade in the certificate of the university entrance qualification in English is used as a further selection criterion.

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    5,000 students, 6 faculties, more than 50 degree programmes. We teach and research future skills on an attractive campus with the highest quality of life. Since 1978!
    Discover the advantages of the Landshut campus for yourself.

    Information for students

    Here you will find comprehensive information about starting your degree programme. This includes important downloads and quick links to help you get started. You will also find contact details that can help you with any questions relating to your degree programme.

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    Contact person for international programmes

    Christina Fertl

    Assistant to the Faculty of Business Administration

    Prof. Dr. Christiane Reif

    Academic advisor