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Study Programmes

Studying at the Faculty of Business Administration means a practice-oriented and modern education as well as further education in business administration subjects. The degree programmes impart future and application-oriented skills to enable students to actively shape the economy, politics, society and science.

3 Personen die sich gerade im Labor befinden. Auf dem Tisch bauen sie gerade mit Lego etwas nach. Im Bild ist ein Logo zu sehen mit dem Text: 50 Jahre Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft.
Eine Person sitzt auf einem Stuhl in einem Raum und schaut in ein Buch hinein.

Bachelor degree programmes

A Bachelor's degree programme, the first step in academic education, imparts a broad scientific knowledge and concludes with a professionally qualifying university degree. A Bachelor's degree qualifies you for entry into a profession and also forms the basis for a subsequent Master's degree programme. The link will take you to a page with a filter function that allows you to find the right degree programme according to your search criteria.

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Mehrere Personen sitzen im selben Raum. Drei Personen sind schärfer gestellt als die anderen. Sie lächeln.

Master's Degree Programmes

The Master's degree is a postgraduate academic degree that builds on the Bachelor's degree, deepens and expands the course content and qualifies students for a doctorate. The link will take you to a page with a filter function that will enable you to find the right degree course according to your search criteria.

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Studierende unterhalten sich an den Hochtischen bei der Cafeteria

DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) Programme

The Doctor in Business Administration programme (DBA programme) enables students to work academically alongside their profession, successfully advance their own research project and complete a doctorate. As part of this programme, Landshut University of Applied Sciences cooperates with the Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) at Munich University of Applied Sciences. The SCE runs the DBA programme either in close cooperation with the Edinburgh Business School "Heriot-Watt University" or the School of Management at Swansea University.

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Zwei Personen sind zu sehen die eine sitzt die andere steht.

Continuing education Programmes

For those who would like to complete a course of study alongside their professional activity or who would like to catch up on a Bachelor's or Master's degree, Landshut University of Applied Sciences' continuing education academy offers the opportunity to take certain courses while working and obtain the desired degree. Participation in a part-time Bachelor's degree program as well as a part-time Master's degree program, university certificate course or subject module at an academic level opens up new opportunities for professional development. The link will take you to a page with a filter function that will enable you to find the right degree course according to your search criteria.

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Drei Personen sitzen zusammen an einem Tisch. Die eine Person hält ein selbst zusammengebautes Modellauto in der Hand. Die anderen Personen schauen auf das Auto sowie auf einen Laptop.

Ongoing studies section

You will find important information on examinations, lecture plans, important dates and much more in the Ongoing studies section. Find out everything you need for a successful course of study.

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Zwei Personen sitzen draußen. Die eine hat ein ein Tablet in der Hand. Beide schauen ins Tablet.

Start of your studies

From mid-September until the start of your studies, this page will gradually provide you with information about the course itself, the university, the Faculty of Business Administration and, of course, the respective degree programs.

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Zwei Personen sitzen in einem Raum. Auf dem Tisch liegt eine Proschüre. Beide Personen schauen sich an.

Practical semester

In the practical semester of the Bachelor's degree courses, students should apply and deepen the theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their studies in a specific professional environment. They also have the opportunity to establish contacts with companies and thus build up a network for their later professional life. The practical semester is usually completed in a company or other professional practice institution outside the university. In addition to the internship, the practical semester also includes a practical course (PLV) and the practical reflection module.

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In some Bachelor's degree programmes, modules in business English are already included in the curriculum, and a second foreign language is also included in the Bachelor's degree programme in International Business Administration. Additional language courses can also be taken as part of the Studium Generale programme. The language courses are offered centrally by the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies.

Drei Personen stehen nebeneinander, die mittlere Person hält ein Bild in der Hand, alle schauen auf das Bild.

General Studies

Landshut University of Applied Sciences sees itself as a competence university for interdisciplinary and lifelong learning. In teaching, students should primarily acquire specialist skills, but also social, reflective, procedural, entrepreneurial, systemic, digital, creative, intercultural and foreign language skills. In the Bachelor's degree programmes, students are required to take several modules from the "Studium Generale".

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