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International Activities

The faculty attaches great importance to international cooperation in its degree programmes and has successfully established numerous international partnerships. These partnerships extend across different countries and offer students the opportunity to benefit from a global network of knowledge, experience and resources. Through intensive exchange with international partners, the faculty helps to create a diverse and intercultural learning environment.

3 Personen die sich gerade im Labor befinden. Auf dem Tisch bauen sie gerade mit Lego etwas nach. Im Bild ist ein Logo zu sehen mit dem Text: 50 Jahre Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft.

Country coordinators

Country/RegioncoordinationCurrent contacts
FranceProf. Dr. StrunzStrasbourg
Great BritainProf. Dr. Gronover
  • Cambridge, England
  • Pontypridd/Cardiff, Wales
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
IrelandProf. Dr. FischerDublin and Cork
Eastern EuropeProf. Dr. MühlfriedelUkraine
ScandinaviaProf. Dr. KumpfTurku, Kristianstad
SpainProf. Dr. ZinserToledo, Spain
TurkeyProf. Dr. KumpfAntalya, Alanya
USAProf. Dr. JaegerSpartanburg

Stay abroad

Whether it's a degree programme, internship, language course or summer school - there are many opportunities to go abroad. The following link will take you to a series of brochures published by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) on the subject of studying abroad and will allow you to read about your experiences. The other links lead to information about semesters abroad and internships abroad.

Information from the International Office

Contact person

Christina Fertl

Assistant to the Faculty of Business Administration