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Start of studies

Welcome to the Faculty of Business Administration! We are delighted to welcome you to the Faculty. Use this time to find your bearings, make new contacts and familiarise yourself with the campus.

On this page we will provide you with lots of information to help you get started before you start your studies. If you have any further questions before you start your studies, you can contact us at

Mehrere Personen sitzen in einem Raum auf Stühlen mit dem Blick nachvorne. Einer meldet sich.

Preparation for the start of your studies

There are a few things you can do in advance to ensure a smooth and relaxed start to your studies.

Before you start your studies, you should obtain the information about your user account, which you will need for all important applications. You will receive the user account information in the portal where you applied for the study place and received the letter of admission. After enrolment, a corresponding button will appear there. You will need the user account, for example, to enrol in elective (compulsory) subjects such as language courses.

Enrolment in elective (compulsory) subjects and other important applications run via the SSO portal (service portal). You can find instructions on how to register in the SSO portal in the list of links on the right. We highly recommend that you take your time to register in the SSO portal before starting your studies!

In the Moodle course "Studienstart WiSe 24/25 - Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft", which is also linked on the right, you will find information on the placement test in Business Mathematics and on the compulsory foreign languages, which you are welcome to view in advance. We will discuss these on 1 October 2024. In the Moodle course, we will make the presentations shown on the introductory day available for you to read afterwards.

IT service consultation hours before the start of the programme

The IT Helpdesk service is offering a presentation and Q&A session on 24 September 2024 at 13:00 :

  • Registration on the SSO portal and rolling out a TOTP token
  • Module enrolment
  • VPN
  • Virtual desktop infrastructure
  • Computer rooms at the university
  • Use of printers/plotters
  • Software offer for members of the university
  • Eduroam
  • FAQ area

You can then ask your questions to make it as easy as possible for you to start studying digitally.

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The first day on campus: 1 October 2024

The first semester for all Bachelor's degree programmes and the Master's degree programme in Market-Oriented Management begins on Tuesday, 1 October 2024, with an introductory event in presence.

Note on catering:

Please note that you can only pay cashless (e.g. EC card) or with your student ID card in the canteen and cafeteria of the Studentenwerk. Payment with cash is not possible there. It is also only possible to top up the credit on your student ID without cash. You will receive an introduction to the payment systems on campus from students in higher semesters on 1 October 2024.

What happens after 1 October 2024?

Lectures begin on 02.10.2024. For some modules, you will find an individual start date in the lecture timetable on which the respective course begins. The language courses and the Studium Generale courses start on 07.10.2024.
Enrolment in language courses (prior to the placement test) and Studium Generale is possible until 05.10.2024.

On 23.10.2024 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. is the Market of Opportunities, where numerous departments, clubs and organisations of Landshut University of Applied Sciences present themselves and provide information about their offers.

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