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About us

The Faculty of Business Administration imparts future- and application-oriented skills with a focus on practice-oriented and modern education in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes as well as in continuing education. The Faculty's tasks also include research and science transfer as well as the development and implementation of business models in the form of start-ups and spin-offs, participation in projects and doctoral centres.

3 Personen die sich gerade im Labor befinden. Auf dem Tisch bauen sie gerade mit Lego etwas nach. Im Bild ist ein Logo zu sehen mit dem Text: 50 Jahre Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft.

Our values, our goals. What do we stand for?

In addition to the continuous improvement of teaching and the integration of current topics such as applied digitalisation, including automation, data management or artificial intelligence, or the management of sustainability with a comprehensive view of ecology, economy and social issues, the Faculty of Business Administration attaches great importance to the transfer of knowledge to the research community, the economy and society. In summary, the Faculty of Business Administration is clearly positioned in its professional orientation and the transdisciplinary future topics of "Entrepreneurship", "Internationalisation", "Digitalisation", "Sustainability" and "People and Society".

to the faculty profile

Deanery Secretariat

Employee International Programmes

Christina Fertl

Assistant to the Faculty of Business Administration

Functional addresses of the faculty