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There are currently 20 professors teaching at the Faculty of Business Administration.

3 Personen die sich gerade im Labor befinden. Auf dem Tisch bauen sie gerade mit Lego etwas nach. Im Bild ist ein Logo zu sehen mit dem Text: 50 Jahre Fakultät Betriebswirtschaft.

Professors of the Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Patrick Dieses

Student Counselling Bachelor of Business Administration (BW), Member of the Faculty Council

Prof. Dr. Dieter Greipl

Member of the Faculty Council, Member of the examination board

Prof. Dr. Sandra Gronover

Deputy Women's Representative of the Faculty of Business Administration, Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Master Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung (MUF), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Robin Hau

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor of Business Psychology & Sustainability Management (WPN)

Prof. Dr. Burkhard Jaeger

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Master International Business (MIB), Member of the Faculty Council, Country Coordinator USA and Australia

Prof. Dr. Tina Krieger

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Digitalisation & Business Creation (DUG), Dual study programme representative

Eine Person steht vor einer Glaswand und lächelt.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kumpf

Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, International Representative, Practice representative abroad

Prof. Dr. Maren Martens

Head of degree programme and student advisory service Bachelor of Digitalisation, Process Optimisation & Management (DPM), Coordination Excellence Circle, Research & Technology Transfer Officer

Eine Person steht vor einer Glaswand und lächelt.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Martina Mitterhofer

Programme Director & Student Counselling Bachelor Medien- & Kommunikationsmanagement (MKM), Member of the Faculty Council

Prof. Dr. Bernd Muehlfriedel

Founder ambassador, Country Coordinator Eastern Europe (except Baltic States)

Prof. Dr. Christiane Reif

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Internationale Betriebswirtschaft (IB), Member of the Faculty Council Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Sara Siakala

University-wide representative for protection against discrimination and (sexualised) violence

Prof. Dr. Valentina Speidel

Dean of Studies, Programme Director Bachelor of Business Administration (BW), Women's Representative of the Faculty of Business Administration

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zinser

Programme Director & Student Advisory Service Bachelor Tax Consultancy (SB), Member of the examination board (Bachelor), Country Coordinator Spain