Veronika Uebe wins the IHK Lower Bavaria Prize 2024
Great success for former Landshut University of Applied Sciences student Veronika Uebe. The Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce awarded her a prize for her Bachelor's thesis on the topic of "Centralised and decentralised organisation of treasury functions using the example of the Siemens Group". She wrote her thesis during her studies at the Faculty of Business Administration under the supervision of Peter Murer from Siemens as her practical mentor and Prof Dr Bernd Mühlfriedel, CFA, from Landshut University of Applied Sciences as her academic mentor and examiner. They celebrated this success in glorious weather at Landshut University of Applied Sciences (from left to right in the photo) Prof Dr Bernd Mühlfriedel, Veronika Uebe and Peter Murer.
The IHK prize is awarded to graduates whose work is not only characterised by a high academic level, but also by a strong connection to the economic region of Lower Bavaria and the topics of its companies. "Research and science that does not revolve around itself but has an impact in business practice is honoured" - this is how IHK President Thomas Leebmann put it at the award ceremony.

Bavarian Culture Prize 2022 for Sebastian Schrögmeier
Sebastian Schrögmeier won the Bavarian Culture Prize 2022 in the science category. He was honoured for his Master's thesis in International Business Administration. Bayernwerk AG has been awarding the Bavarian Culture Prize together with the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts since 2005. As part of his Master's thesis, Schrögmeier investigated what makes people in the software industry successful salespeople. To do this, he worked with the Munich-based software developer Personio GmbH and spoke to employees there. He used his findings to construct a scoring model. The academic supervisor of the thesis, Prof Dr Bernd Mühlfriedel, was delighted with Schrögmeier's award.

IHK Prize 2021 and Student Prize 2022 of the business journal "Wirtschaftszeitung" for Wolfgang Kirzeder
Wolfgang Kirzeder won the 2021 IHK Prize of the Lower Bavaria Chamber of Industry and Commerce for his bachelor's thesis analysing the private pension situation of young academics from the state of Bavaria in a low-interest environment. Kirzeder chose the topic because, as a private and business customer advisor at a regional bank and from conversations with fellow students, he had found that younger people have little contact with the topic of retirement provision or have little knowledge of it. He surveyed a total of 269 young academics. Their interest in retirement provision was higher and they were more willing to take risks with investment strategies than expected. The academic supervisor of the work, Prof Dr Bernd Mühlfriedel, was delighted with Kirzeder's award. Kirzeder's thesis was also selected as one of the finalists for the student prize 2021 of the business journal "Wirtschaftszeitung".

Andre Betz receives IHK Prize 2019
Business administration student Andre Betz from Landshut University of Applied Sciences impresses the Presidium of the Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce with his bachelor's thesis on "Examining the current possibilities of artificial intelligence using the example of procurement". The IHK Niederbayern honoured him with the IHK Prize 2019. This is endowed with 1000 euros. Prof Dr Martin Prasch, who supervised the bachelor's thesis, praised the "current significance of the work for companies in Lower Bavaria". Based on the selected reference process of purchasing and procurement from the German Association of Purchasing and Materials Management (BME), Betz outlines the AI solutions that can be used in his bachelor's thesis, presents potential providers including their value proposition and discusses the current distribution in companies. Building on this, he discusses future use cases for companies in the field of procurement.
Publication in the magazine "MBI Einkäufer im Markt"
Sebastian Hetzenecker's bachelor thesis was published in the magazine "MBI Einkäufer im Markt" in the issue of 15 July 2021. Hetzenecker was supervised by Prof Dr Martin Prasch and his thesis dealt with supply chain disruptions caused by foreseeable and unforeseeable events and thus with the concrete effects of the coronavirus pandemic on risk management in purchasing and the design of supply chains. Based on three exemplary retail companies with a significant market share in the food and electronics sector, the thesis shows the reactions to the effects of the pandemic in the region of Eastern Bavaria. The article in the journal summarises the key findings.

IHK Prize 2014 for Judith Körber and Florian Ziegler
Among the 13 graduates from universities in Lower Bavaria who received the IHK Prize 2014, which is endowed with 1,000 euros, a total of three graduates from Landshut University of Applied Sciences were honoured for outstanding academic achievement in their final theses, including Judith Körber and Florian Ziegler. Judith Körber from the Faculty of Business Administration was supervised by Prof Dr Speidel and dealt with the topic of dementia. Her findings were incorporated into the "Dementia Context Landshut" research project and can therefore be put directly into practice. Florian Ziegler from the Faculty of Electrical and Industrial Engineering took a look at the vehicle fleet of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co KG at the Teisnach plant. "Evaluation and optimisation of the vehicle fleet, taking into account the potential of alternative drive concepts, in particular electromobility" was the title of his project, which, according to his supervisor Prof. Dr Kumpf, can also be transferred to other companies.

Appointment to the scientific advisory board of the Elite Network of Bavaria
Since March 2020, Prof Dr Mühlfriedel has been appointed to the Advisory Board of the Elite Network of Bavaria by Science Minister Bernd Sibler - initially for the period 2020-2022 and a second mail for the period 2023-2025, which corresponds to the maximum Advisory Board term. In 2002 and 2003, the Elite Network of Bavaria developed a concept that provides the best possible support for particularly talented students and young academics. The Elite Network of Bavaria is responsible for elite study programmes, international doctoral colleges, international junior research groups and the "Max Weber Programme Bavaria" and "Research Scholarships" funding lines developed in accordance with the Bavarian Elite Funding Act (BayEFG). Mühlfriedel's mandate was initially for three years and was then extended by Science Minister Markus Blume for a further three years in 2023, which now corresponds to the maximum advisory board term.

Student Teaching Award 2022 in silver for Prof Dr Speidel
The Landshut University of Applied Sciences student teaching award was presented for the first time in 2022. The students, with their elected student representatives from all faculties, had intensively scrutinised the teaching concepts of their nominated lecturers. The silver award went to Prof Dr Valentina Speidel. "She impresses students time and again with her flexibility, her tireless openness to the needs of students, her didactic innovation and above all: her teaching personality and her great commitment," summarised Vice President Dollinger in her laudatory speech at the award ceremony. In addition to her teaching activities, Speidel is particularly involved in the management of the Bachelor of Business Administration programme and in the self-administration of the university. Since the beginning of her career, she has held various positions: Dean of Studies, Dean, Chair of the Senate, Practice, Women's and Diversity Officer.

Landshut University of Applied Sciences 2018 Teaching Prize for Prof Dr Martens
Lectures don't just have to consist of frontal teaching: Games, videos and exciting exercises help to convey supposedly dry material. Prof Dr Martens is particularly committed to getting her students excited about business mathematics. To this end, she creates elaborate teaching videos, online tests and exercises and is increasingly focussing on the concept of the "flipped classroom": students work through new content at home at their own pace using online materials. A jury headed by the Vice President for Teaching and Learning selects the winners from the faculties' proposals. It consists of an external member of the University Council, the Chair of the Examination Board and three student representatives, headed by Tippmann-Krayer. Among other things, they take into account how the students rate the teaching or the practical relevance of lectures and seminars.

Bavarian State Prize for Outstanding Teaching 2016
In 2016, Bavaria's Minister of Education Ludwig Spaenle honoured Prof. Dr Bernd Mühlfriedel with the Bavarian State Prize for Outstanding Teaching at Universities of Applied Sciences for his teaching concept "Entrepreneurial Skills". The teaching concept is aimed at students from three disciplines (business administration, computer science and business informatics). The students develop their own business ideas and models, write business plans, develop their own products and can even realise the business idea. At the Faculty of Business Administration, students on the Digitalisation & Business Creation course in particular have been taking part in this teaching concept since winter semester 2021/22. This teaching prize is awarded every two years following a jury decision in the categories of individual prize and project prize. The award rewards initiatives that go beyond the student's own specialisation and take into account the requirements of their future career.

Teaching Award of Landshut University of Applied Sciences 2015
Landshut University of Applied Sciences awards the Teaching Prize because the quality of teaching is very important to it. Prof. Dr Mühlfriedel was awarded the "Teaching Prize" for the second time for his teaching concept "Entrepreneurial Skills".
A six-member jury headed by the Vice President for Teaching and Studies and consisting of an external member of the University Council, the Chair of the Examination Board and three student representatives selected the two award winners from the proposals submitted by the faculties. They assessed the applicants according to criteria such as high application relevance or the promotion of responsible behaviour.

Prof. Dr Mühlfriedel honoured as best lecturer of the year 2013 at the TUM School of Management
In 2013, Prof Dr Mühlfriedel was voted best lecturer of the year 2013 by the participants in the Executive MBA in Communication and Leadership at the TUM School of Management. The Executive MBA programme is aimed at experienced executives, specialists and managers who wish to expand their leadership skills and personality with this four-semester part-time Master's programme.