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Zwei Personen testen die Funktionstüchtigkeit einer Solarplatte.

Accredited degree program

Automotive Engineering and Management

In addition to a solid basic education in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and business administration, the engineering degree programme covers the special requirements of the automotive industry. In the technical area, all components of an automobile are covered, including new drive technologies such as electric drive. The business management training is orientated towards the value creation process typical of the industry and the accompanying services.

Start Winter semester
Admission CriteriaUnrestricted admission
Application period 15.04.2025 - 15.07.2025
Study format Full time, with in-depth practical experience, Joint degree programme
Study cost None (only semester fee)
Normal duration7 Semester
Accredited degree program

Prospects after graduation

Successful completion of the programme opens up a wide range of jobs

  • with manufacturers, suppliers and service providers in the automotive industry and all neighbouring sectors
  • in all operational functional areas, such as production, procurement, marketing and sales, research and development, but also logistics, controlling, quality, project and innovation management
  • at all career levels, from highly qualified administration to company management.

Compared to other professions in the STEM sector, they earn high salaries, and after a Master's degree at the start of their career, they earn around EUR 5,000 more per year.

Possible Master's degree programmes

After completing a degree in automotive economics and technology, you can also deepen, expand and specialise your knowledge in a Master's degree course. For this purpose, we offer a Master's in Industrial Engineering and Management, for which you are directly qualified. This programme trains students for demanding specialist and management tasks and enables them to deal particularly well with the complexity and dynamics of business life. This opens up further areas of employment, such as management consultancy. The Master's in Sustainability and Transformation complements your Bachelor's degree with specialist knowledge of sustainability science and qualifies you for interdisciplinary system change in companies, non-profit organisations, public administration and politics, scientific institutions and civil society. We also offer a Master's programme in Wiring Systems Development to train you as an expert in the field of physical wiring systems.

Prof. Dr. Raimund Kreis

Academic advisor